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ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) Draft Spec

NOTE: This is still in-progress, and may change substantially as development progresses.


This document proposes a standard interface between network protocol servers (particularly webservers) and Python applications, intended to allow handling of multiple common protocol styles (including HTTP, HTTP2, and WebSocket).

It is intended to supplement and expand on WSGI, though the design deliberately includes provisions to allow WSGI-to-ASGI and ASGI-to-WGSI adapters to be easily written for the HTTP protocol.


The WSGI specification has worked well since it was introduced, and allowed for great flexibility in Python framework and webserver choice. However, its design is irrevocably tied to the HTTP-style request/response cycle, and more and more protocols are becoming a standard part of web programming that do not follow this pattern (most notably, WebSocket).

ASGI attempts to preserve a simple application interface, but provide an abstraction that allows for data to be sent and received at any time, and from different application threads or processes.

It also lays out new, serialization-compatible formats for things like HTTP requests and responses and WebSocket data frames, to allow these to be transported over a network or local memory, and allow separation of protocol handling and application logic into different processes.

Part of this design is ensuring there is an easy path to use both existing WSGI servers and applications, as a large majority of Python web usage relies on WSGI and providing an easy path forwards is critical to adoption.


ASGI consists of three different components - protocol servers, a channel layer, and application code. Channel layers are the core part of the implementation, and provide an interface to both protocol servers and applications.

A channel layer provides a protocol server or an application server with a send callable, which takes a channel name and message dict, and a receive_many callable, which takes a list of channel names and returns the next message available on any named channel.

Thus, rather than under WSGI, where you point the protocol server to the application, under ASGI you point both the protocol server and the application to a channel layer instance. It is intended that applications and protocol servers always run in separate processes or threads, and always communicate via the channel layer.

Despite the name of the proposal, ASGI does not specify or design to any specific in-process async solution, such as asyncio, twisted, or gevent. Instead, the receive_many function can be switched between nonblocking or synchronous. This approach allows applications to choose what's best for their current runtime environment; further improvements may provide extensions where cooperative versions of receive_many are provided.

The distinction between protocol servers and applications in this document is mostly to distinguish their roles and to make illustrating concepts easier. There is no code-level distinction between the two, and it's entirely possible to have a process that does both, or middleware-like code that transforms messages between two different channel layers or channel names. It is expected, however, that most deployments will fall into this pattern.

There is even room for a WSGI-like application abstraction with a callable which takes (channel, message, send_func), but this would be slightly too restrictive for many use cases and does not cover how to specify channel names to listen on; it is expected that frameworks will cover this use case.

Channels and Messages

All communication in an ASGI stack uses messages sent over channels. All messages must be a dict at the top level of the object, and contain only the following types to ensure serializability:

  • Byte strings
  • Unicode strings
  • Integers (no longs)
  • Lists (tuples should be treated as lists)
  • Dicts (keys must be unicode strings)
  • Booleans
  • None

Channels are identified by a unicode string name consisting only of ASCII letters, ASCII numerical digits, periods (.), dashes (-) and underscores (_), plus an optional type character (see below).

Channels are a first-in, first out queue with at-most-once delivery semantics. They can have multiple writers and multiple readers; only a single reader should get each written message. Implementations must never deliver a message more than once or to more than one reader, and must drop messages if this is necessary to achieve this restriction.

In order to aid with scaling and network architecture, a distinction is made between channels that have multiple readers (such as the http.request channel that web applications would listen on from every application worker process), single-reader channels that are read from a single unknown location (such as http.request.body?ABCDEF), and process-specific channels (such as a http.response!ABCDEF channel tied to a client socket).

Normal channel names contain no type characters, and can be routed however the backend wishes; in particular, they do not have to appear globally consistent, and backends may shard their contents out to different servers so that a querying client only sees some portion of the messages. Calling receive_many on these channels does not guarantee that you will get the messages in order or that you will get anything if the channel is non-empty.

Single-reader channel names contain an question mark (?) character in order to indicate to the channel layer that it must make these channels appear globally consistent. The ? is always preceded by the main channel name (e.g. http.response.body) and followed by a random portion. Channel layers may use the random portion to help pin the channel to a server, but reads from this channel by a single process must always be in-order and return messages if the channel is non-empty. These names must be generated by the new_channel call.

Process-specific channel names contain an exclamation mark (!) character in order to indicate to the channel layer that it may have to route the data for these channels differently to ensure it reaches the single process that needs it; these channels are nearly always tied to incoming connections from the outside world. The ! is always preceded by the main channel name (e.g. http.response) and followed by the per-client/random portion - channel layers can split on the ! and use just the right hand part to route if they desire, or can ignore it if they don't need to use different routing rules. Even if the right hand side contains client routing information, it must still contain random parts too so that each call to new_channel returns a new, unused name. These names must be generated by the new_channel call; they are guaranteed to only be read from the same process that calls new_channel.

Messages should expire after a set time sitting unread in a channel; the recommendation is one minute, though the best value depends on the channel layer and the way it is deployed.

The maximum message size is 1MB if the message were encoded as JSON; if more data than this needs to be transmitted it must be chunked or placed onto its own single-reader or process-specific channel (see how HTTP request bodies are done, for example). All channel layers must support messages up to this size, but protocol specifications are encouraged to keep well below it.

Handling Protocols

ASGI messages represent two main things - internal application events (for example, a channel might be used to queue thumbnails of previously uploaded videos), and protocol events to/from connected clients.

As such, this specification outlines encodings to and from ASGI messages for HTTP and WebSocket; this allows any ASGI web server to talk to any ASGI web application, as well as servers and applications for any other protocol with a common specification. It is recommended that if other protocols become commonplace they should gain standardized formats in a supplementary specification of their own.

The message formats are a key part of the specification; without them, the protocol server and web application might be able to talk to each other, but may not understand some of what the other is saying. It's equivalent to the standard keys in the environ dict for WSGI.

The design pattern is that most protocols will share a few channels for incoming data (for example, http.request, websocket.connect and websocket.receive), but will have individual channels for sending to each client (such as http.response!kj2daj23). This allows incoming data to be dispatched into a cluster of application servers that can all handle it, while responses are routed to the individual protocol server that has the other end of the client's socket.

Some protocols, however, do not have the concept of a unique socket connection; for example, an SMS gateway protocol server might just have sms.receive and sms.send, and the protocol server cluster would take messages from sms.send and route them into the normal phone network based on attributes in the message (in this case, a telephone number).


Extensions are functionality that is not required for basic application code and nearly all protocol server code, and so has been made optional in order to enable lightweight channel layers for applications that don't need the full feature set defined here.

The extensions defined here are:

  • groups: Allows grouping of channels to allow broadcast; see below for more.
  • flush: Allows easier testing and development with channel layers.
  • statistics: Allows channel layers to provide global and per-channel statistics.
  • twisted: Async compatability with the Twisted framework.
  • asyncio: Async compatability with Python 3's asyncio.

There is potential to add further extensions; these may be defined by a separate specification, or a new version of this specification.

If application code requires an extension, it should check for it as soon as possible, and hard error if it is not provided. Frameworks should encourage optional use of extensions, while attempting to move any extension-not-found errors to process startup rather than message handling.


While the basic channel model is sufficient to handle basic application needs, many more advanced uses of asynchronous messaging require notifying many users at once when an event occurs - imagine a live blog, for example, where every viewer should get a long poll response or WebSocket packet when a new entry is posted.

This concept could be kept external to the ASGI spec, and would be, if it were not for the significant performance gains a channel layer implementation could make on the send-group operation by having it included - the alternative being a send_many callable that might have to take tens of thousands of destination channel names in a single call. However, the group feature is still optional; its presence is indicated by the supports_groups attribute on the channel layer object.

Thus, there is a simple Group concept in ASGI, which acts as the broadcast/multicast mechanism across channels. Channels are added to a group, and then messages sent to that group are sent to all members of the group. Channels can be removed from a group manually (e.g. based on a disconnect event), and the channel layer will garbage collect "old" channels in groups on a periodic basis.

How this garbage collection happens is not specified here, as it depends on the internal implementation of the channel layer. The recommended approach, however, is when a message on a process-specific channel expires, the channel layer should remove that channel from all groups it's currently a member of; this is deemed an acceptable indication that the channel's listener is gone.

Implementation of the group functionality is optional. If it is not provided and an application or protocol server requires it, they should hard error and exit with an appropriate error message. It is expected that protocol servers will not need to use groups.


The design of ASGI is meant to enable a shared-nothing architecture, where messages can be handled by any one of a set of threads, processes or machines running application code.

This, of course, means that several different copies of the application could be handling messages simultaneously, and those messages could even be from the same client; in the worst case, two packets from a client could even be processed out-of-order if one server is slower than another.

This is an existing issue with things like WSGI as well - a user could open two different tabs to the same site at once and launch simultaneous requests to different servers - but the nature of the new protocols specified here mean that collisions are more likely to occur.

Solving this issue is left to frameworks and application code; there are already solutions such as database transactions that help solve this, and the vast majority of application code will not need to deal with this problem. If ordering of incoming packets matters for a protocol, they should be annotated with a packet number (as WebSocket is in this specification).

Single-reader and process-specific channels, such as those used for response channels back to clients, are not subject to this problem; a single reader on these must always receive messages in channel order.


To provide backpressure, each channel in a channel layer may have a capacity, defined however the layer wishes (it is recommended that it is configurable by the user using keyword arguments to the channel layer constructor, and furthermore configurable per channel name or name prefix).

When a channel is at or over capacity, trying to send() to that channel may raise ChannelFull, which indicates to the sender the channel is over capacity. How the sender wishes to deal with this will depend on context; for example, a web application trying to send a response body will likely wait until it empties out again, while a HTTP interface server trying to send in a request would drop the request and return a 503 error.

Sending to a group never raises ChannelFull; instead, it must silently drop the message if it is over capacity, as per ASGI's at-most-once delivery policy.

Specification Details

A channel layer must provide an object with these attributes (all function arguments are positional):

  • send(channel, message), a callable that takes two arguments: the channel to send on, as a unicode string, and the message to send, as a serializable dict.
  • receive_many(channels, block=False), a callable that takes a list of channel names as unicode strings, and returns with either (None, None) or (channel, message) if a message is available. If block is True, then it will not return until after a built-in timeout or a message arrives; if block is false, it will always return immediately. It is perfectly valid to ignore block and always return immediately, or after a delay; block means that the call can take as long as it likes before returning a message or nothing, not that it must block until it gets one.
  • new_channel(pattern), a callable that takes a unicode string pattern, and returns a new valid channel name that does not already exist, by adding a unicode string after the ! or ? character in pattern, and checking for existence of that name in the channel layer. The pattern MUST end with ! or ? or this function must error. If the character is !, making it a process-specific channel, new_channel must be called on the same channel layer that intends to read the channel with receive_many; any other channel layer instance may not receive messages on this channel due to client-routing portions of the appended string.
  • MessageTooLarge, the exception raised when a send operation fails because the encoded message is over the layer's size limit.
  • ChannelFull, the exception raised when a send operation fails because the destination channel is over capacity.
  • extensions, a list of unicode string names indicating which extensions this layer provides, or empty if it supports none. The names defined in this document are groups, flush and statistics.

A channel layer implementing the groups extension must also provide:

  • group_add(group, channel), a callable that takes a channel and adds it to the group given by group. Both are unicode strings. If the channel is already in the group, the function should return normally.
  • group_discard(group, channel), a callable that removes the channel from the group if it is in it, and does nothing otherwise.
  • group_channels(group), a callable that returns an iterable which yields all of the group's member channel names. The return value should be serializable with regards to local adds and discards, but best-effort with regards to adds and discards on other nodes.
  • send_group(group, message), a callable that takes two positional arguments; the group to send to, as a unicode string, and the message to send, as a serializable dict. It may raise MessageTooLarge but cannot raise ChannelFull.
  • group_expiry, an integer number of seconds that specifies how long group membership is valid for after the most recent group_add call (see Persistence below)

A channel layer implementing the statistics extension must also provide:

  • global_statistics(), a callable that returns a dict with zero or more of (unicode string keys):
    • count, the current number of messages waiting in all channels
  • channel_statistics(channel), a callable that returns a dict with zero or more of (unicode string keys):
    • length, the current number of messages waiting on the channel
    • age, how long the oldest message has been waiting, in seconds
    • per_second, the number of messages processed in the last second

A channel layer implementing the flush extension must also provide:

  • flush(), a callable that resets the channel layer to a blank state, containing no messages and no groups (if the groups extension is implemented). This call must block until the system is cleared and will consistently look empty to any client, if the channel layer is distributed.

A channel layer implementing the twisted extension must also provide:

  • receive_many_twisted(channels), a function that behaves like receive_many but that returns a Twisted Deferred that eventually returns either (channel, message) or (None, None). It is not possible to run it in nonblocking mode; use the normal receive_many for that.

A channel layer implementing the asyncio extension must also provide:

  • receive_many_asyncio(channels), a function that behaves like receive_many but that fulfills the asyncio coroutine contract to block until either a result is available or an internal timeout is reached and (None, None) is returned.

Channel Semantics

Channels must:

  • Preserve ordering of messages perfectly with only a single reader and writer if the channel is a single-reader or process-specific channel.
  • Never deliver a message more than once.
  • Never block on message send (though they may raise ChannelFull or MessageTooLarge)
  • Be able to handle messages of at least 1MB in size when encoded as JSON (the implementation may use better encoding or compression, as long as it meets the equivalent size)
  • Have a maximum name length of at least 100 bytes.

They should attempt to preserve ordering in all cases as much as possible, but perfect global ordering is obviously not possible in the distributed case.

They are not expected to deliver all messages, but a success rate of at least 99.99% is expected under normal circumstances. Implementations may want to have a "resilience testing" mode where they deliberately drop more messages than usual so developers can test their code's handling of these scenarios.


Channel layers do not need to persist data long-term; group memberships only need to live as long as a connection does, and messages only as long as the message expiry time, which is usually a couple of minutes.

That said, if a channel server goes down momentarily and loses all data, persistent socket connections will continue to transfer incoming data and send out new generated data, but will have lost all of their group memberships and in-flight messages.

In order to avoid a nasty set of bugs caused by these half-deleted sockets, protocol servers should quit and hard restart if they detect that the channel layer has gone down or lost data; shedding all existing connections and letting clients reconnect will immediately resolve the problem.

If a channel layer implements the groups extension, it must persist group membership until at least the time when the member channel has a message expire due to non-consumption, after which it may drop membership at any time. If a channel subsequently has a successful delivery, the channel layer must then not drop group membership until another message expires on that channel.

Channel layers must also drop group membership after a configurable long timeout after the most recent group_add call for that membership, the default being 86,400 seconds (one day). The value of this timeout is exposed as the group_expiry property on the channel layer.

Protocol servers must have a configurable timeout value for every connection-based prtocol they serve that closes the connection after the timeout, and should default this value to the value of group_expiry, if the channel layer provides it. This allows old group memberships to be cleaned up safely, knowing that after the group expiry the original connection must have closed, or is about to be in the next few seconds.

It's recommended that end developers put the timeout setting much lower - on the order of hours or minutes - to enable better protocol design and testing. Even with ASGI's separation of protocol server restart from business logic restart, you will likely need to move and reprovision protocol servers, and making sure your code can cope with this is important.

Message Formats

These describe the standardized message formats for the protocols this specification supports. All messages are dicts at the top level, and all keys are required unless otherwise specified (with a default to use if the key is missing). Keys are unicode strings.

The one common key across all protocols is reply_channel, a way to indicate the client-specific channel to send responses to. Protocols are generally encouraged to have one message type and one reply channel type to ensure ordering.

A reply_channel should be unique per connection. If the protocol in question can have any server service a response - e.g. a theoretical SMS protocol - it should not have reply_channel attributes on messages, but instead a separate top-level outgoing channel.

Messages are specified here along with the channel names they are expected on; if a channel name can vary, such as with reply channels, the varying portion will be represented by !, such as http.response!, which matches the format the new_channel callable takes.

There is no label on message types to say what they are; their type is implicit in the channel name they are received on. Two types that are sent on the same channel, such as HTTP responses and response chunks, are distinguished apart by their required fields.


The HTTP format covers HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2, as the changes in HTTP/2 are largely on the transport level. A protocol server should give different requests on the same connection different reply channels, and correctly multiplex the responses back into the same stream as they come in. The HTTP version is available as a string in the request message.

HTTP/2 Server Push responses are included, but must be sent prior to the main response, and applications must check for http_version = 2 before sending them; if a protocol server or connection incapable of Server Push receives these, it must drop them.

Multiple header fields with the same name are complex in HTTP. RFC 7230 states that for any header field that can appear multiple times, it is exactly equivalent to sending that header field only once with all the values joined by commas.

However, RFC 7230 and RFC 6265 make it clear that this rule does not apply to the various headers used by HTTP cookies (Cookie and Set-Cookie). The Cookie header must only be sent once by a user-agent, but the Set-Cookie header may appear repeatedly and cannot be joined by commas. For this reason, we can safely make the request headers a dict, but the response headers must be sent as a list of tuples, which matches WSGI.


Sent once for each request that comes into the protocol server. If sending this raises ChannelFull, the interface server must respond with a 500-range error, preferably 503 Service Unavailable, and close the connection.

Channel: http.request


  • reply_channel: Channel name for responses and server pushes, starting with http.response!
  • http_version: Unicode string, one of 1.0, 1.1 or 2.
  • method: Unicode string HTTP method name, uppercased.
  • scheme: Unicode string URL scheme portion (likely http or https). Optional (but must not be empty), default is "http".
  • path: Unicode string HTTP path from URL, with percent escapes decoded and UTF8 byte sequences decoded into characters.
  • query_string: Byte string URL portion after the ?, not url-decoded.
  • root_path: Unicode string that indicates the root path this application is mounted at; same as SCRIPT_NAME in WSGI. Optional, defaults to "".
  • headers: A list of [name, value] pairs, where name is the byte string header name, and value is the byte string header value. Order should be preserved from the original HTTP request; duplicates are possible and must be preserved in the message as received. Header names must be lowercased.
  • body: Body of the request, as a byte string. Optional, defaults to "". If more_body is set, treat as start of body and concatenate on further chunks.
  • more_body: Name of a single-reader channel (containing ?) that contains Request Body Chunk messages representing a large request body. Optional, defaults to None. Chunks append to body if set. Presence of a channel indicates at least one Request Body Chunk message needs to be read, and then further consumption keyed off of the more_content key in those messages.
  • client: List of [host, port] where host is a unicode string of the remote host's IPv4 or IPv6 address, and port is the remote port as an integer. Optional, defaults to None.
  • server: List of [host, port] where host is the listening address for this server as a unicode string, and port is the integer listening port. Optional, defaults to None.

Request Body Chunk

Must be sent after an initial Response. If trying to send this raises ChannelFull, the interface server should wait and try again until it is accepted (the consumer at the other end of the channel may not be as fast consuming the data as the client is at sending it).

Channel: http.request.body?


  • content: Byte string of HTTP body content, will be concatenated onto previously received content values and body key in Request. Not required if closed is True, required otherwise.
  • closed: True if the client closed the connection prematurely and the rest of the body. If you receive this, abandon processing of the HTTP request. Optional, defaults to False.
  • more_content: Boolean value signifying if there is additional content to come (as part of a Request Body Chunk message). If False, request will be taken as complete, and any further messages on the channel will be ignored. Optional, defaults to False.


Send after any server pushes, and before any response chunks. If ChannelFull is encountered, wait and try again later, optionally giving up after a predetermined timeout.

Channel: http.response!


  • status: Integer HTTP status code.
  • headers: A list of [name, value] pairs, where name is the byte string header name, and value is the byte string header value. Order should be preserved in the HTTP response. Header names must be lowercased.
  • content: Byte string of HTTP body content. Optional, defaults to empty string.
  • more_content: Boolean value signifying if there is additional content to come (as part of a Response Chunk message). If False, response will be taken as complete and closed off, and any further messages on the channel will be ignored. Optional, defaults to False.

Response Chunk

Must be sent after an initial Response. If ChannelFull is encountered, wait and try again later.

Channel: http.response!


  • content: Byte string of HTTP body content, will be concatenated onto previously received content values.
  • more_content: Boolean value signifying if there is additional content to come (as part of a Response Chunk message). If False, response will be taken as complete and closed off, and any further messages on the channel will be ignored. Optional, defaults to False.

Server Push

Must be sent before any Response or Response Chunk messages. If ChannelFull is encountered, wait and try again later, optionally giving up after a predetermined timeout, and give up on the entire response this push is connected to.

When a server receives this message, it must treat the Request message in the request field of the Server Push as though it were a new HTTP request being received from the network. A server may, if it chooses, apply all of its internal logic to handling this request (e.g. the server may want to try to satisfy the request from a cache). Regardless, if the server is unable to satisfy the request itself it must create a new http.response! channel for the application to send the Response message on, fill that channel in on the reply_channel field of the message, and then send the Request back to the application on the http.request channel.

This approach limits the amount of knowledge the application has to have about pushed responses: they essentially appear to the application like a normal HTTP request, with the difference being that the application itself triggered the request.

If the remote peer does not support server push, either because it's not a HTTP/2 peer or because SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH is set to 0, the server must do nothing in response to this message.

Channel: http.response!


  • request: A Request message. The body, body_channel, and reply_channel fields MUST be absent: bodies are not allowed on server-pushed requests, and applications should not create reply channels.


Sent when a HTTP connection is closed. This is mainly useful for long-polling, where you may have added the response channel to a Group or other set of channels you want to trigger a reply to when data arrives.

If ChannelFull is raised, then give up attempting to send the message; consumption is not required.

Channel: http.disconnect


  • reply_channel: Channel name responses would have been sent on. No longer valid after this message is sent; all messages to it will be dropped.


WebSockets share some HTTP details - they have a path and headers - but also have more state. Path and header details are only sent in the connection message; applications that need to refer to these during later messages should store them in a cache or database.

WebSocket protocol servers should handle PING/PONG requests themselves, and send PING frames as necessary to ensure the connection is alive.

Note that you must ensure that websocket.connect is consumed; if an interface server gets ChannelFull on this channel it will drop the connection. Django Channels ships with a no-op consumer attached by default; we recommend other implementations do the same.


Sent when the client initially opens a connection and completes the WebSocket handshake. If sending this raises ChannelFull, the interface server must close the WebSocket connection with error code 1013.

Channel: websocket.connect


  • reply_channel: Channel name for sending data, start with websocket.send!
  • scheme: Unicode string URL scheme portion (likely ws or wss). Optional (but must not be empty), default is ws.
  • path: Unicode HTTP path from URL, already urldecoded.
  • query_string: Byte string URL portion after the ?. Optional, default is empty string.
  • root_path: Byte string that indicates the root path this application is mounted at; same as SCRIPT_NAME in WSGI. Optional, defaults to empty string.
  • headers: List of [name, value], where name is the header name as byte string and value is the header value as a byte string. Order should be preserved from the original HTTP request; duplicates are possible and must be preserved in the message as received. Header names must be lowercased.
  • client: List of [host, port] where host is a unicode string of the remote host's IPv4 or IPv6 address, and port is the remote port as an integer. Optional, defaults to None.
  • server: List of [host, port] where host is the listening address for this server as a unicode string, and port is the integer listening port. Optional, defaults to None.
  • order: The integer value 0.


Sent when a data frame is received from the client. If ChannelFull is raised, you may retry sending it but if it does not send the socket must be closed with websocket error code 1013.

Channel: websocket.receive


  • reply_channel: Channel name for sending data, starting with websocket.send!
  • path: Path sent during connect, sent to make routing easier for apps.
  • bytes: Byte string of frame content, if it was bytes mode, or None.
  • text: Unicode string of frame content, if it was text mode, or None.
  • order: Order of this frame in the WebSocket stream, starting at 1 (connect is 0).

One of bytes or text must be non-None.


Sent when either connection to the client is lost, either from the client closing the connection, the server closing the connection, or loss of the socket.

If ChannelFull is raised, then give up attempting to send the message; consumption is not required.

Channel: websocket.disconnect


  • reply_channel: Channel name that was used for sending data, starting with websocket.send!. Cannot be used to send at this point; provided as a way to identify the connection only.
  • code: The WebSocket close code (integer), as per the WebSocket spec.
  • path: Path sent during connect, sent to make routing easier for apps.
  • order: Order of the disconnection relative to the incoming frames' order values in websocket.receive.


Sends a data frame to the client and/or closes the connection from the server end. If ChannelFull is raised, wait and try again.

Channel: websocket.send!


  • bytes: Byte string of frame content, if in bytes mode, or None.
  • text: Unicode string of frame content, if in text mode, or None.
  • close: Boolean saying if the connection should be closed after data is sent, if any. Optional, default False.

A maximum of one of bytes or text may be provided. If both are provided, the protocol server should ignore the message entirely.

Protocol Format Guidelines

Message formats for protocols should follow these rules, unless a very good performance or implementation reason is present:

  • reply_channel should be unique per logical connection, and not per logical client.
  • If the protocol has server-side state, entirely encapsulate that state in the protocol server; do not require the message consumers to use an external state store.
  • If the protocol has low-level negotiation, keepalive or other features, handle these within the protocol server and don't expose them in ASGI messages.
  • If the protocol has guaranteed ordering and does not use a specific channel for a given connection (as HTTP does for body data), ASGI messages should include an order field (0-indexed) that preserves the ordering as received by the protocol server (or as sent by the client, if available). This ordering should span all message types emitted by the client - for example, a connect message might have order 0, and the first two frames order 1 and 2.
  • If the protocol is datagram-based, one datagram should equal one ASGI message (unless size is an issue)

Approximate Global Ordering

While maintaining true global (across-channels) ordering of messages is entirely unreasonable to expect of many implementations, they should strive to prevent busy channels from overpowering quiet channels.

For example, imagine two channels, busy, which spikes to 1000 messages a second, and quiet, which gets one message a second. There's a single consumer running receive_many(['busy', 'quiet']) which can handle around 200 messages a second.

In a simplistic for-loop implementation, the channel layer might always check busy first; it always has messages available, and so the consumer never even gets to see a message from quiet, even if it was sent with the first batch of busy messages.

A simple way to solve this is to randomize the order of the channel list when looking for messages inside the channel layer; other, better methods are also available, but whatever is chosen, it should try to avoid a scenario where a message doesn't get received purely because another channel is busy.

Strings and Unicode

In this document, byte string refers to str on Python 2 and bytes on Python 3. If this type still supports Unicode codepoints due to the underlying implementation, then any values should be kept within the lower 8-byte range.

Unicode string refers to unicode on Python 2 and str on Python 3. This document will never specify just string - all strings are one of the two types.

Some serializers, such as json, cannot differentiate between byte strings and unicode strings; these should include logic to box one type as the other (for example, encoding byte strings as base64 unicode strings with a preceding special character, e.g. U+FFFF).

Channel and group names are always unicode strings, with the additional limitation that they only use the following characters:

  • ASCII letters
  • The digits 0 through 9
  • Hyphen -
  • Underscore _
  • Period .
  • Question mark ? (only to delineiate single-reader channel names, and only one per name)
  • Exclamation mark ! (only to delineate process-specific channel names, and only one per name)

WSGI Compatibility

Part of the design of the HTTP portion of this spec is to make sure it aligns well with the WSGI specification, to ensure easy adaptability between both specifications and the ability to keep using WSGI servers or applications with ASGI.

The adaptability works in two ways:

  • WSGI Server to ASGI: A WSGI application can be written that transforms environ into a Request message, sends it off on the http.request channel, and then waits on a generated response channel for a Response message. This has the disadvantage of tying up an entire WSGI thread to poll one channel, but should not be a massive performance drop if there is no backlog on the request channel, and would work fine for an in-process adapter to run a pure-ASGI web application.
  • ASGI to WSGI application: A small wrapper process is needed that listens on the http.request channel, and decodes incoming Request messages into an environ dict that matches the WSGI specs, while passing in a start_response that stores the values for sending with the first content chunk. Then, the application iterates over the WSGI app, packaging each returned content chunk into a Response or Response Chunk message (if more than one is yielded).

There is an almost direct mapping for the various special keys in WSGI's environ variable to the Request message:

  • REQUEST_METHOD is the method key
  • SCRIPT_NAME is root_path
  • PATH_INFO can be derived from path and root_path
  • QUERY_STRING is query_string
  • CONTENT_TYPE can be extracted from headers
  • CONTENT_LENGTH can be extracted from headers
  • SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT are in server
  • SERVER_PROTOCOL is encoded in http_version
  • wsgi.url_scheme is scheme
  • wsgi.input is a StringIO around body
  • wsgi.errors is directed by the wrapper as needed

The start_response callable maps similarly to Response:

  • The status argument becomes status, with the reason phrase dropped.
  • response_headers maps to headers

It may even be possible to map Request Body Chunks in a way that allows streaming of body data, though it would likely be easier and sufficient for many applications to simply buffer the whole body into memory before calling the WSGI application.

Common Questions

  1. Why are messages dicts, rather than a more advanced type?

    We want messages to be very portable, especially across process and machine boundaries, and so a simple encodable type seemed the best way. We expect frameworks to wrap each protocol-specific set of messages in custom classes (e.g. http.request messages become Request objects)


  • Maybe remove http_version and replace with supports_server_push?
  • receive_many can't easily be implemented with async/cooperative code behind it as it's nonblocking - possible alternative call type? Asyncio extension that provides receive_many_yield?
  • Possible extension to allow detection of channel layer flush/restart and prompt protocol servers to restart?
  • Maybe WSGI-app like spec for simple "applications" that allows standardized application-running servers?


This document has been placed in the public domain.

Protocol Definitions

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1
