tsregll / powerstation
Forked from yangzilong1986/powerstation电力系统
zhuzichu520 / qwindowkit
Forked from stdware/qwindowkitCross-platform frameless window framework for Qt. Support Windows, macOS, Linux.
bopopescu / file_trans
Forked from zhouzhousc/file_transto save or trans files
SummerFalls / J1939
Forked from XeiTongXueFlyMe/J1939📁 基于SAE J1939协议,开源可移植的J1939驱动。技术支持群: 264864184 @使用说明书:
pablojr / lvgl
Forked from lvgl/lvglEmbedded graphics library to create beautiful UIs for any MCU, MPU and display type. It's boosted by a professional yet affordable drag and drop UI editor, called SquareLine Studio.
Advanced Docking System for Qt
Now, it is a tool for iot communication. It includes Siemens S7 protocol, it can access to S1500 S1200 S200smart .(包含西门子S7协议,目前可以访问西门子S1500 S1200 S200smart)It includes ModbusTCP protocol.(包含modbusT…
zhihual / esp_mqtt
Forked from tuanpmt/esp_mqttMQTT client library for ESP8266
xibeilang524 / gbnx31
Forked from zhihual/gbnx31GB/T XXXX.31 主站与采集终端通信协议解析api 国家电力能力监测系统技术规范(国标) 第3-1部分 主(子)站与电力通道信息集中与交互终端通信协议
xibeilang524 / gbnx32
Forked from xiangruipuzhao/gbnx32GB/T XXXX.32 2013 主站与采集终端通信协议解析api(C语言)
xibeilang524 / NVNUD
Forked from zhubwxxx/NVNUD远程在线升级程序 ,Qt,CAN,TCP,UDP,MODBUS
xibeilang524 / qiec104-1
Forked from mazzegi/qiec104A Qt implementation of the IEC60870-5-104 protocol
xibeilang524 / EasyLogger
Forked from armink/EasyLoggerA ultra-lightweight(ROM<1.6K, RAM<0.3k), high-performance C/C++ log library. | 一款超轻量级(ROM<1.6K, RAM<0.3k)、高性能的 C/C++ 日志库
xibeilang524 / TaoLogger
Forked from jaredtao/TaoLoggerQt自制简易好看的日志系统(Implement a simple and beautify log system with Qt )
xibeilang524 / llcom
Forked from chenxuuu/llcomSerial debugger, debug with your own lua scripts.可运行lua脚本的串口调试工具
xibeilang524 / qt_log
Forked from lantian984/qt_log这是一个QT的模块软件代码,用于生产log文件