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C++ Source Code Overview

Summary of source folders, in approximate dependency order, from lowest level to highest, along with a partial list of the most notable files in each directory.

  • external - External open-source libraries that KataGo depends on that are small or self-contained enough to just include inline with this repo.
  • core - Low-level utilities, sort of a layer on top of the standard library. Hashing, portable rand, string formatting and parsing, filesystem helpers, etc.
  • game - Board representation and rules.
    • rules.{cpp,h} - Lightweight struct representing all the combinations of rules KataGo supports.
    • board.{cpp,h} - Raw board implementation, without move history. Helper functions for Benson's algorithm and ladder search.
    • boardhistory.{cpp,h} - Datastructure that does include move history - handles superko, passing, game end, final scoring, komi, handicap detection, etc.
  • neuralnet - Neural net GPU implementation and interface. Contains both OpenCL and CUDA backends them.
    • desc.{cpp.h} - Data structure holding neural net structure and weights.
    • modelversion.{cpp,h} - Enumerates the various versions of neural net features and models.
    • nninputs.{cpp.h} - Implements the input features for the neural net.
    • nninterface.h - Common interface that is implemented by every low-level neural net backend.
    • {cuda,opencl,dummy}backend.cpp - Various backends.
    • nneval.{cpp.h} - Top-level handle to the neural net used by the rest of the engine, implements thread-safe batching of queries.
  • search - The main search engine.
    • timecontrols.cpp - Basic handling of a few possible time controls.
    • searchparams.{cpp,h} - Configurable coefficients and parameters for the search.
    • search.{cpp,h} - Multithreaded MCTS implementation.
    • searchresults.cpp - Functions to inspect the results of finished searches, select moves, etc.
    • asyncbot.{cpp,h} - Simple thread-safe layer on top of main engine to implement pondering.
  • dataio - SGF reading and writing, writing of self-play training data.
    • sgf.{cpp.h} - SGF reading and writing.
    • trainingwrite.{cpp,h} - Writing of self-play training data.
  • program - Top-level helper functions. neural net, running matches and selfplay games, handicap placement, computing stats to report, etc.
    • setup.{cpp,h} - Functions for parsing configs for search parameters, parsing parameters for initializing the neural net.
    • playutils.{cpp,h} - Miscellaneous: handicap placement, ownership and final stone status, computing high-level stats to report, benchmarking.
    • play.{cpp,h} - Running matches and self-play games.
  • distributed - Code for talking to https webserver for volunteers to contribute distributed self-play games for training.
  • tests - A variety of tests.
    • models - A directory with a small number of small-sized (and not very strong) models for running tests.
  • command - Top-level subcommands callable by users. GTP, analysis commands, benchmarking, selfplay data generation, etc.
    • commandline.{cpp,h} - Common command line logic shared by all subcommands.
    • gtp.cpp - Main GTP engine.
    • analysis.cpp - JSON-based analysis engine that can use large batch sizes to analyze positions in parallel.
    • benchmark.cpp - Performance benchmarking.
    • contribute.cpp - Command for volunteers to contribute distributed self-play games for training.
    • selfplay.cpp - Selfplay data generation engine.
    • gatekeeper.cpp - Gating engine to filter neural nets for selfplay data generation.
    • match.cpp - Match engine for testing different parameters that can use huge batch sizes to efficiently play games in parallel.

Other folders:

  • configs - Default or example configs for many of the different subcommands.