Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world
The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。
📱 Graphical Scrcpy to display and control Android, devices powered by Electron.
Pomodoro® time management assistant for Chrome
Free and open source no-code application builder
Easy to Use, 100% Open Source Learning Management System
This is an Open Source Real estate management system that helps landlords to manage their rentals and properties
🦄 论坛:基于 SpringBoot + MyBatis + MySQL + Redis + Kafka + Elasticsearch + Spring Security + ... 并提供详细的开发文档和配套教程。包含帖子、评论、私信、系统通知、点赞、关注、搜索、用户设置、数据统计等模块。
In this repository, I have developed the entire server-side principal architecture for real-time stock market prediction with Machine Learning. I have used Tensorflow.js for constructing ml model a…
Manage your employees easily with a robust and efficient Human Resource Management System
🍅 A pomodoro app for your menubar/tray.
Smart Algorithms to predict buying and selling of stocks on the basis of Mutual Funds Analysis, Stock Trends Analysis and Prediction, Portfolio Risk Factor, Stock and Finance Market News Sentiment …
二手车交易平台 IDEA ssm框架maven管理(界面:登录、首页、车型、详情、个人中心等;功能:游客、用户看车、买车选择、卖车发布、收藏、历史查看、订单管理、卖车信息查看;待添加:管理员模块)
Human resource management open source .net core
基于Cloudflare Workers自部署查询OpenAI-API-Key密钥使用详情查询网站
Opensource Real Estate Property Management System