PYTHONPATH=~/dev/petastorm # replace with your petastorm install path
This creates both a train
and test
petastorm datasets in /tmp/mnist
This will invoke a 10-epoch training run using MNIST data in petastorm form,
stored by default in /tmp/mnist
, and show accuracy against the test set:
usage: [-h] [--dataset-url S] [--batch-size N] [--test-batch-size N]
[--epochs N] [--all-epochs] [--lr LR] [--momentum M]
[--no-cuda] [--seed S] [--log-interval N]
Petastorm MNIST Example
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dataset-url S hdfs:// or file:/// URL to the MNIST petastorm dataset
(default: file:///tmp/mnist)
--batch-size N input batch size for training (default: 64)
--test-batch-size N input batch size for testing (default: 1000)
--epochs N number of epochs to train (default: 10)
--all-epochs train all epochs before testing accuracy/loss
--lr LR learning rate (default: 0.01)
--momentum M SGD momentum (default: 0.5)
--no-cuda disables CUDA training
--seed S random seed (default: 1)
--log-interval N how many batches to wait before logging training status
This will invoke a training run using MNIST data in petastorm form, for 100 epochs, using a batch size of 100, and log every 10 intervals.
python -h
usage: [-h] [--dataset-url S] [--training-iterations N]
[--batch-size N] [--evaluation-interval N]
Petastorm Tensorflow MNIST Example
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dataset-url S hdfs:// or file:/// URL to the MNIST petastorm
dataset(default: file:///tmp/mnist)
--training-iterations N
number of training iterations to train (default: 100)
--batch-size N input batch size for training (default: 100)
--evaluation-interval N
how many batches to wait before evaluating the model
accuracy (default: 10)