ffn - a financial function library for Python.
Alpha software - use at your own risk!
>> import ffn
>> returns = ffn.get('aapl,msft,c,gs,ge', start='2010-01-01').to_returns().dropna()
>> returns.calc_mean_var_weights().as_format('.2%')
aapl 62.54%
c -0.00%
ge 36.19%
gs -0.00%
msft 1.26%
dtype: object
To install ffn, simply run:
$ pip install ffn
If pip is not installed, I recommend installing the Anaconda Scientific Python Distribution. This distribution comes with many of the required packages pre-installed, including pip. Once Anaconda is installed, the above command should complete the installation.
ffn should be compatible with Python 2.7.
Read the docs at http://pmorissette.github.io/ffn