This directory contains the source code for quick-lint-js' website.
Hack on the website locally by running a local web server:
$ cd website # Navigate to this directory.
$ yarn # Install dependencies.
$ yarn start
Server running:
Open after starting the local web server, open in your browser.
If you want to work on the demo or on the error documentation, you need to build quick-lint-js for WebAssembly.
After building quick-lint-js-wasm, you might need to re-install it with Yarn:
$ cd website
$ yarn install --force
Prepare the website for publishing on GitHub pages by first building quick-lint-js for WebAssembly.
Then, run yarn build
$ cd website # Navigate to this directory.
$ yarn # Install dependencies.
$ yarn build
Look at the copied and generated files in website/www/
For instructions on deploying to, see the release documentation.