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151 lines (123 loc) · 5.51 KB

Naming Convention

Historically, benchmark names in the Swift Benchmark Suite were derived from the name of the runFunction, which by convention started with prefix run_, followed by the benchmark name. Therefore most of the legacy benchmark names conform to the UpperCamelCase convention. After introduction of BenchmarkInfo to describe the benchmark metadata, names can be any string. To create more cohesive and well structured system, names of newly added benchmarks should meet the following set of requirements:

  • Letters, numbers and dots. Start with short unique name in UpperCamelCase. For a family of benchmarks, separate the name components with periods.

    Very long compound names using UpperCamelCase are hard to read. Use . to increase readability and structure.

    Prefer unique and creative name to nondescript generic term, unless the benchmark is testing individual method on a concrete type.

    ⛔️ Dictionary2
    ✅ AngryPhonebook
    ✅ Array.append.Array.Int
    ✅ Dictionary.AnyHashable.String.update

    Benchmark names are used to run individual tests when passed as command line arguments to the benchmark driver. Stick to ASCII letters, numbers and period. Exceptionally:

    • Use - only to denote control flow constructs like for-in or if-let.
    • Use ! and ? for optional types, conditional or forced downcasting, optional chaining etc.
    ✅ Array.append.Array.Int?
    ✅ Flatten.Array.Tuple4.for-in.Reserve

    Note: Special characters that could be interpreted by the shell require escaping (\!) or quoting the name, when running such benchmarks individually.

  • Use groups and variants to structure the benchmark family by degrees of freedom (e.g. different types implementing a protocol, value vs. reference types etc.). Use numbered suffixes to denote differently sized variants.

    Benchmarks in a family can be grouped by the tested operation, method or varied by types and different workload sizes. It might be necessary to abbreviate some names to fit the size limit, based on the longest combination. Choose consistent names for the components throughout all members in the family, to allow for relative comparison across the different axis of variation.

    ✅ Seq.dropFirst.Array
    ✅ Seq.dropLast.Range.lazy
    ✅ Seq.dropWhile.UnfoldSeq
    ✅ Seq.prefix.AnySeq.RangeIter.lazy
    ✅ Seq.prefixWhile.AnyCol.Array
    ✅ Seq.suffix.AnySeq.UnfoldSeq.lazy
    ✅ Existential.Array.ConditionalShift.Ref1
    ✅ Existential.Array.Mutating.Ref2
    ✅ Existential.Array.method.1x.Ref3
    ✅ Existential.Array.method.2x.Ref4
    ✅ Existential.Array.Shift.Val0
    ✅ Existential.MutatingAndNonMutating.Val1
    ✅ Existential.Mutating.Val2
    ✅ Existential.method.1x.Val3
    ✅ Existential.method.2x.Val4
    ✅ Existential.Pass2.method.1x.Ref1
    ✅ Existential.Pass2.method.2x.Ref2
    ✅ Set.isSubset.Int25
    ✅ Set.symmetricDifference.Int50

  • Groups, variants and types are UpperCase, methods are lowerCase.

    Use periods to separate the name components in variants derived from specialised generic types or significant method chains.

    ⛔️ InsertCharacterTowardsEndIndexNonASCII

    There's no need to be literal with type names. Be descriptive:

    ✅ String.insert.EmojiChar.NearEnd
    ✅ String.insert.ASCIIChar.StartIndex
    ✅ Flatten.Array.Tuple4.lazy.flatMap

  • Keep it short. 40 characters at most. Abbreviate if necessary.

    Benchmarking results are reported on GitHub and very long names are causing horizontal table scrolling which unfortunately obscures the columns with actual measurements. Fixed upper size limit also helps with the formatted console output, when measuring locally. It is more important for benchmark's name to be unique and short, than overly descriptive.

    Prefer concise names for potential benchmark family extensions. Leave out the nested types from variants if they aren't strictly necessary for disambiguation. If there's potentially valuable future variant, like testing ContiguousArray, keep the Array now, allowing for addition of ContArr variants later.

    Use Val and Ref as short descriptors for variants that compare value types (struct, Int) with reference types (often named with Class in the legacy-style). Prefer Char to Character, which can be combined with codepage or language prefix/suffix when necessary (EmojiChar, ASCIIChar). For benchmarks that measure String's Unicode performance for various languages, use the three letter codes instead of spelling out the whole language names.

    When necessary, use consistent abbreviations like Str and Arr within the benchmark family, to fit a system with descriptive names into 40 characters:

    ✅ Seq.prefixWhile.AnySeq.UnfoldSeq.lazy

    As a last resort, use numbered suffixes to disambiguate between benchmarks with minor implementation variations.

Technically, the benchmark's name must match the following regular expression: [A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-.!?]+