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Alibaba Java Diagnostic Tool Arthas/Alibaba Java诊断利器Arthas
Netty project - an event-driven asynchronous network application framework
Zuul is a gateway service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more.
APM, (Application Performance Management) tool for large-scale distributed systems.
AWS Service registry for resilient mid-tier load balancing and failover.
ZooKeeper co-process for instance monitoring, backup/recovery, cleanup and visualization.
The metric correlation component of Etsy's Kale system
Co-Process for backup/recovery, Auto Deployments and Centralized Configuration management for ElasticSearch
CronHub is a better crontab, it is a web application which can schedule, monitor and control the crontabs of multiple machines from the web page.
Anomaly detection for streaming time series, featuring automated model selection.
Webhook used to notify Jenkins when commits are made to Stash
yekeqiang / springside4
Forked from springside/springside4A Spring Framework based, pragmatic style JavaEE application reference architecture.
yekeqiang / storm
Forked from nathanmarz/stormDistributed and fault-tolerant realtime computation: stream processing, continuous computation, distributed RPC, and more
yekeqiang / helios
Forked from nickman/heliosHelios Open Source Application Performance Management
yekeqiang / pysonar2
Forked from leafgray/pysonar2an advanced static analyzer for Python
yekeqiang / GCViewer
Forked from chewiebug/GCViewerFork of tagtraum industries' GCViewer. Tagtraum stopped development in 2008, I aim to improve support for Sun's / Oracle's java 1.6 + 1.7 garbage collector logs (including G1 collector)