This image provides ManageIQ using the official Centos7 dockerhub build as a base along with PostgreSQL.
A typical build takes around 15 mins to complete. It needs to be initiated from the root directory of the manageiq git repository
docker build -t manageiq/manageiq .
To build versions other than the tip of master:
docker build -t manageiq/manageiq:darga --build-arg REF=darga . # From tip of darga branch
docker build -t manageiq/manageiq:darga-1-beta1 --build-arg REF=darga-1-beta1 . # From darga-1-beta1 tag
If you want to build with local changes, you need to uncomment "ADD" and comment "RUN" in the "Add ManageIQ source" section of the Dockerfile.
The image has been tested and validated under docker-1.10 (Fedora23)
The first time you run the container, it will initialize the database, please allow 2-4 mins for MIQ to respond.
docker run --privileged -di -p 80:80 -p 443:443 manageiq/manageiq
Please note you can ommit some ports from the run command if you don't need to use them
atomic install -n <name> manageiq
atomic run -n <name> manageiq
atomic stop -n <name> manageiq
atomic uninstall -n <name> manageiq
docker run --privileged -di -p 80:80 -p 443:443
atomic install
atomic run
Note due to resource limitations you can not run more than a single container of manageiq on the same Atomic host
The web interface is exposed at port 443. Default login credentials.
Point your web browser to :
For console access, please use docker exec from docker host :
docker exec -ti <container-id> bash -l