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Starred repositories
Flipper Zero firmware source code
darktable is an open source photography workflow application and raw developer
See README.md for link to Discord & YouTube. I will use this repository for my Flipper Zero projects & wiki.
Get started with Flipper Zero by building a Custom "Hello world" plugin
Software-based TOTP/HOTP authenticator for Flipper Zero device.
dfu-programmer is a Device Firmware Update based USB programmer for Atmel chips with a USB bootloader
Filesystem (fuse) implemented on Mosso's Cloud Files
Introducing the Flipper Zero Application Development Toolkit! 🐬 It's the ultimate bundle to kickstart your creative journey with Flipper Zero projects!
Rawstudio is an open-source program to read and manipulate RAW images from digital cameras.
DCamProf is a free and open-source command line tool for making camera profiles, and performing tasks related to camera profiles and profiling.
Code supporting a tutorial series on developing apps for the Flipper Zero
flipperdevices / libusb_stm32
Forked from dmitrystu/libusb_stm32Lightweight USB device Stack for STM32 microcontrollers
jamisonderek / flipper-zero-experimental-apps
Forked from instantiator/flipper-zero-experimental-appsExperimentation building apps for flipper zero