1. How to use the custom version framework or the different version of the cluster installation to execute the program?
Specify the required files for the related version of framework and dependent libraries by the submit parameters such as --file
or --cacheArchive
. Furthermore, setting the environment variables PYTHONPATH
if necessary.
For example, if there is not the tensorflow module on the node of the cluster, user can set the module by the --cacheArchive
. More detail:
- In the local path that tensorflow module installed, such
- under the directory of the module, package all files in the directory,like
tar -zcvf tensorflow.tgz ./*
- upload the package to hdfs
- add the cacheArchive on the submit script, such
--cacheArchive /tmp/tensorflow.tgz#tensorflow
- set the environment variable for program:
In order to view the progress of the execution both at the XLearning client and the application web interface, user need to print the progress to standard error as the format of "report:progress:<float type>"
in the execution program.
3. What distributed deep learning frameworks XLearning supports, how to distinguish between standalone mode ?
XLearning support the distributed deep learning framworks such as TensorFlow, MXNet, XGBoost, LightGBM.
- TensorFlow: Set the
, and distinguish stand-alone and distributed mode by the number of ps applied. - MXNet:Set the
, and distinguish stand-alone and distributed mode by the number of ps applied. - XGBoost: Set the
. - LightGBM: Set the
In the distributed mode of TensorFlow application, ClusterSpec is defined by setting the host and port of ps and worker preliminarily. XLearning implements the automatic construction of the ClusterSpec. User can get the information of ClusterSpec, job_name, task_index from the environment variables TF_CLUSTER_DEF, TF_ROLE, TF_INDEX, such as:
import os
import json
cluster_def = json.loads(os.environ["TF_CLUSTER_DEF"])
cluster = tf.train.ClusterSpec(cluster_def)
job_name = os.environ["TF_ROLE"]
task_index = int(os.environ["TF_INDEX"])
5. Report the error:" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/mapred/JobConf"
after submit the application.
Default that the yarn.application.classpath
setted in the yarn-site.xml
not contains the related lib package about mapreduce,try to add the related lib path, such:
User can get the information of the number of machines and local port from the environment variables and write into the configuration file on the distribute LightGBM application (More details in $XLEARNING_HOME/examples/distLightGBM ). Note that it is necessary to copy the configuration file at current directory to avoid the more containers modify the same file when they are at one machine, like :
cp train.conf train_real.conf
chmod 777 train_real.conf
echo "num_machines = $LIGHTGBM_NUM_MACHINE" >> train_real.conf
echo "local_listen_port = $LIGHTGBM_LOCAL_LISTEN_PORT" >> train_real.conf
./LightGBM/lightgbm config=train_real.conf
Also, user need to set the machine list file at the configuration which XLearning named as lightGBMlist.txt
generated at the executive directory of each worker, like :
machine_list_file = lightGBMlist.txt
Example of TF_CONFIG for chief training in the distributed mode of Tensorflow estimator application (More details in $XLEARNING_HOME/examples/tfEstimator):
import os
import json
cluster = json.loads(os.environ["TF_CLUSTER_DEF"])
task_index = int(os.environ["TF_INDEX"])
task_type = os.environ["TF_ROLE"]
# chief: worker 0 as chief, other worker index --
tf_config = dict()
worker_num = len(cluster["wroker"])
if task_type == "ps":
tf_config["task"] = {"index":task_index, "type":task_type}
if taks_index == 0:
tf_config["task"] = {"index":0, "type":"chief"}
tf_config["task"] = {"index":task_index-1, "type":task_type}
if worker_num == 1:
cluster["chief"] = cluster["worker"]
del cluster["worker"]
cluster["chief"] = [cluster["worker"][0]]
del cluster["worker"][0]
tf_config["cluster"] = cluster
os.environ["TF_CONFIG"] = json.dumps(tf_config)
Because of loading the required js files for CPU Metrix functionality is based on the WebApp build method which is not achieved in the hadoop version lower than 2.6.4, there is the other method to display the cpu metrics if necessary.
- add the necessary resources to the package of
on the cluster, more details:
- unpackage the hadoop-yarn-common-xxx.jar
- copy the folder
at the source code of XLearning to the directorywebapps/static
which generated after unpackaging thehadoop-yarn-common-xxx.jar
- re-package hadoop-yarn-common-xxx.jar
- replace the hadoop-yarn-common-xxx.jar on the cluster without restart the nodemanager and resource manager. Also can use the
to load the jar when submit the application.
- display the cpu matrix in the XLearning JobHistory [Optional]
XLearning JobHistory is relay on the jars in the directory$XLEARNING_HOME/lib
which generated after unpackaging the XLearning dist. Follow the above method to replace the hadoop-yarn-common-xxx.jar, then restart service.
XLearning1.1 support the application retry and memory auto scaled after failed by setting the configuration:
- xlearning.app.max.attempts
- xlearning.worker.mem.autoscale
- xlearning.ps.mem.autoscale
Note that the information of AM connected error which reported at the client when application retry can ignore.
11. Report the error:" java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "tensorboard": error=2, No such file or directory" after submit the application.
When the XLearning client submits a job, the --user-path "/root/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorboard" is added to specify the tensorboard path.
Upload the files using the --files
to each container. Load the related path to the system path, such as sys.path.append(os.getcwd())
before calling the module.