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Week 6 Image Transfermation - Style Transfer
What is Style Transfer
How does it work
What Neural Networks See
Different kinds of style transfer
How to train your own style transfer
Use the trained model in ml5.js (one image and webcam images)
Running Style Transfer model in ml5.js, p5 sketch
Training a new Style Transfer model, Run this Google Colab . Watch this video1 , video2 , p5 web editor sketch
Some Notes:
Open the colab, make sure the GPU is enabled: Menu - Runtime - Change runtime type
Run through each cell, wait for each cell to finish running, make sure there is no error in each cell's output
Step 2 and 3 may take 1 and 2 hours to finish, keep the tab open and active while waiting(Power your computer while waiting)
Once step 2(download datasets) finishes, don't re-run it, becase it takes a long to finish
While running step 2(download dataset), it might notify you that "Disk is almost full", ignore that
You can’t perform that action at this time.