PyTorch implementation of the paper "NestE: Modeling Nested Relational Structures for Knowledge Graph Reasoning" (AAAI'24)
Combining relational context and relational paths for knowledge graph completion
[Tool] For Knowledge Graph Representation Learning
[Paper][ICDE2023] Relational Message Passing for Fully Inductive Knowledge Graph Completion
[KDD 2023] AdaProp: Learning Adaptive Propagation for Graph Neural Network based Knowledge Graph Reasoning
[Paper List] Papers integrating knowledge graphs (KGs) and large language models (LLMs)
Code for our paper "Graph Language Models"
Pytorch implementation of a RGCN Link Prediction Model
Datasets for Knowledge Graph Completion with textual information about the entities
Code for "Heterogeneous Graph Transformer" (WWW'20), which is based on pytorch_geometric
KG-BERT: BERT for Knowledge Graph Completion
Hierarchical Transformers for Knowledge Graph Embeddings (EMNLP 2021)
This project analyzes the results of various models for Link Prediction on Knowledge Graphs using Knowledge Graph Embeddings. It allows to replicate the results in our work "Knowledge Graph Embeddi…
Implementation of R-GCNs for Relational Link Prediction
Source code and dataset for ACL 2019 paper "ERNIE: Enhanced Language Representation with Informative Entities"