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C++ Insights - scripts {#readme_scripts}

This folder mostly hosts scripts for Travis CI builds, with a few exceptions:

For local build you can use It uses a pre-built Docker image from DockerHub andreasfertig/cppinsights-builder-gitpod. This is also the same image which is used by GitPod and a addition to the cppinsights-builder image which is used by Travis CI for the continuous integration builds. If you execute the script from within the script folder it automatically mounts the C++ Insights repo in the Docker to /workspace/cppinsights. You also need to specify a build folder which is inside the container mounted to /workspace/build.

The script can be invoked with two different modes:

  • shell launches a bash in the Docker container. This allows to use gdb for example.
  • compile does a complete C++ Insights build. When using compile you can provide two additional arguments.
    • A string with CMake flags used to configure the build
    • and optional target to invoke. For example, coverage to run a code coverage build.

Some examples command line looks like this:

cd scripts
./ /home/username/build/docker_insights compile "-DINSIGHTS_STATIC=Yes -DINSIGHTS_COVERAGE=Yes -DDEBUG=Yes" coverage

it triggers a CMake build with code coverage turned on and used as the ninja target.

cd scripts
./ /home/username/build/docker_insights shell

Opens a shell into the Docker container.

CMake and Docker

There are some CMake target which use Docker and the script. The results can be found in the binary folder you supplied plus docker_build,

  • docker-build to run a build in Docker.
  • docker-build-run gives you a shell in Docker (same as invoking with shell).
  • docker-tests to run the tests in Docker
  • docker-coverage to run a code coverage build in Docker.

Helps for some corner cases to get the default includes from a compiler.