Identification and Validation Robust Prognostic Biomarkers and Signatures in Solid Tumors
Agent Laboratory is an end-to-end autonomous research workflow meant to assist you as the human researcher toward implementing your research ideas
Accurate and robust imputation of scRNA-seq data
R package for Pathway RespOnsive GENe activity inference
This is a short tutorial to show in parallel how to estimate TF and kinase activities from transcriptomic and phosphoproteomic data
code for "An Integrated Clinical, Omic, and Image Atlas of an Evolving Metastatic Breast Cancer"
Analysis of omic and imaging data in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma distinguishes liver and lung recurrence and patient outcomes
Inferring, interpreting and visualising trajectories using a streamlined set of packages 🦕
Code used to analyze snRNAseq data from the developing mouse superior colliculus.
Generate high quality, publication ready visualizations for single cell transcriptomics data.
Single cell RNA-seq analysis for transcriptomic type characterization
Documentation and examples demonstrating how to access data from the Allen Brain Cell Atlas
iterative clustering pipeline of big single cell datasets.
Genearlized mapping scripts for RNA-seq and Patch-seq data
A computational method scSemiProfiler that provides affordable single-cell data for large-scale disease cohorts using deep generative model.
R package for decontaminating the spot swapping effect and recovering true expression in spatial transcriptomics data
general repo that holds all analysis and figures for the thymus spatial atlas by Yayon, Kedlian, Boehme, Radtke and many more!
Python package to interactively annotate histological images within a jupyter notebook
Collections of library structure and sequence of popular single cell genomic methods
Aligning gene expression trajectories of single-cell reference and query systems