- Seinäjoki, Finland
Arduino-TVout-simulator Public
This allows you to experiment and compile your Arduino TVout game or other experiment on PC.
C++ UpdatedJan 20, 2025 -
ESP01_RCRX Public
A firmware for ESP01 (ESP8266) to control two servos, one servo and one DC motor or two DC motors.
C++ MIT License UpdatedOct 29, 2024 -
airoundtable Public
AI roundtable, where a set of AI agents gather to discuss a topic. Implemented as multi-agent system.
HTML MIT License UpdatedOct 18, 2024 -
voice-guided-imaging Public
Forked from GPT-Laboratory/voice-guided-imagingVoice Guided Imaging is a demo by GPT Lab Seinäjoki -project. This demo focuses on speech-to-text and translation, intention recognition, image generation, image editing and video generation. The g…
HTML MIT License UpdatedSep 28, 2024 -
godot-object-pool Public
Forked from godot-addons/godot-object-poolAn object pool for Godot
VeRyPy Public
A python library with implementations of 15 classical heuristics for the capacitated vehicle routing problem.
ArduinoTvOutGames Public
Forked from juherask/ArduinoTvOutGamesVideo games for the Arduino using the TVout library.
C++ MIT License UpdatedAug 17, 2023 -
arbtt-timeline Public
Displays the arbtt-dump JSON output as a gantt chart / timeline similar to the one of ManicTime using Python and Plotly.
Python UpdatedAug 7, 2023 -
cvrp-solution-generator Public
Three alternative methods to brute force / generate all possible solutions to a VRP problem. A feasible approach for problems smaller than 10 customers.
YoungCodersIPythonNotebookFI Public
Forked from juherask/YoungCodersIPythonNotebookFIIPython notebook, joka seurailee Young Coder tutoriaaleja PyCon 2014:sta.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedApr 25, 2023 -
CVRPFeatureExtractors Public
A large collection of implemented feature extractors for capacitated vehicle routing problems
Python-Slotcar-Lap-Timer Public
Forked from philm400/Raspberry-Pi-Python-Scalextric-Lap-TimerA Python3 based lap timer dashboard built as the Tkinter GUI
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 27, 2023 -
timetrackingsummarizer Public
A tool to process timetracking text files. A cli is offered. It produces summaries and a snakey diagram.
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 19, 2022 -
PyDOPTE Public
Python library for Design of Parameter Tuning Experiments
Atmega8_BitBang_UART_TX Public
Forked from MarcelMG/AVR8_BitBang_UART_TXSoftware UART transmitter for Atmega8 to have additional TX ports
C MIT License UpdatedAug 4, 2022 -
YhdistyksenToiminta Public
Forked from sepeliry/YhdistyksenToimintaYhdistyksen asioita, projekteja ja materiaaleja. Kysykää oikeuksia jos tarvitsette.
Python UpdatedOct 27, 2021 -
speakwithme Public
A chatbot that can be spoken to (uses Google speech recognition), comes up with an answer (Cobe-chatbot), and speaks it (espeak+mbrola). Works with any language supported by Google speech recogniti…
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 13, 2021 -
nyccc Public
NYCCC = Name-Year Citation Cross Checker, a tool that crosschecks citations from your manuscript text and references in your bibliography for undefined/unused and mistyped citations and references.
jsprit Public
Forked from graphhopper/jspritjsprit is a java based, open source toolkit for solving rich vehicle routing problems
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 9, 2021 -
vrpy Public
Forked from Kuifje02/vrpyA python framework for solving the VRP and its variants with column generation.
speech_recognition Public
Forked from Uberi/speech_recognitionSpeech recognition module for Python, supporting several engines and APIs, online and offline.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedSep 24, 2020 -
AngryTalous Public
Forked from sepeliry/AngryTalousKerhopeli 2020. Aiheena oman talouden hallinta.
C# MIT License UpdatedMar 3, 2020 -
PyDENN Public
Educational pure python neural network implementation with differential evolution (DE) based network weight optimization procedure.
fashion-mnist Public
Forked from zalandoresearch/fashion-mnistA MNIST-like fashion product database. Benchmark 👉
Python Other UpdatedMay 3, 2019 -
VRPH Public
Forked from geoffleyland/VRPHA fork of a fork of COIN's VRPH
Forked from coin-or/SYMPHONY.oldThis a mirror of the subversion repository on COIN-OR.
C Eclipse Public License 1.0 UpdatedSep 12, 2018 -
Fork of the ACOTSP v1.03 from http://www.aco-metaheuristic.org/ to enable using only local search part of the solver
C GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedAug 6, 2018