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Sentiment Examples

The notebooks and scripts in this examples show how to fine-tune a model with a sentiment classifier (such as lvwerra/distilbert-imdb).

Here's an overview of the notebooks and scripts:

File Description
notebooks/gpt2-sentiment.ipynb Fine-tune GPT2 to generate positive movie reviews.
notebooks/gpt2-sentiment-control.ipynb Fine-tune GPT2 to generate movie reviews with controlled sentiment.
scripts/ Same as the notebook, but easier to use to use in mutli-GPU setup.
scripts/ Same as GPT2 script, but for a Seq2Seq model (T5).


pip install trl
#optional: wandb
pip install wandb

Note: if you don't want to log with wandb remove log_with="wandb" in the scripts/notebooks. You can also replace it with your favourite experiment tracker that's supported by accelerate.

Launch scripts

The trl library is powered by accelerate. As such it is best to configure and launch trainings with the following commands:

accelerate config # will prompt you to define the training configuration
accelerate launch scripts/ # launches training

Summarization Example

The script in this example show how to train a reward model for summarization, following the OpenAI Learning to Summarize from Human Feedback paper. We've validated that the script can be used to train a small GPT2 to get slightly over 60% validation accuracy, which is aligned with results from the paper. The model is here.

Here's an overview of the files:

File Description
scripts/ For tuning the reward model.
scripts/ds3_reward_summarization_example_config.json Can be used with the reward model script to scale it up to arbitrarily big models that don't fit on a single GPU.


pip install trl
pip install evaluate
# optional: deepspeed
pip install deepspeed
# If you want your reward model to follow the Learning to Summarize from Human Feedback paper closely, then tune a GPT model on summarization and then instantiate the reward model
# with it. In other words, pass in the name of your summarization-finetuned gpt on the hub, instead of the name of the pretrained gpt2 like we do in the following examples of how
# to run this script.

# Example of running this script with the small size gpt2 on a 40GB A100 (A100's support bf16). Here, the global batch size will be 64:
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --bf16

# Example of running this script with the xl size gpt2 on 16 40GB A100's. Here the global batch size will still be 64:
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=16 --per_device_train_batch_size=1 --per_device_eval_batch_size=1 --gradient_accumulation_steps=4 --gpt_model_name=gpt2-xl --bf16 --deepspeed=ds3_reward_summarization_example_config.json