This example shows how to use Supabase Storage with Uppy to upload files to Supabase Storage using the TUS protocol (resumable uploads).
- Create a supabase bucket from the Supabase UI
- Add a policy to allow public uploads
- e.g.
CREATE POLICY "allow uploads" ON storage.objects FOR INSERT TO public WITH CHECK (bucket_id = 'your-bucket-name');
- e.g.
- Open the index.html file and replace the following variables with your own:
const SUPABASE_ANON_KEY = '' // your project's anon key
const SUPABASE_PROJECT_ID = '' // your project ref
const STORAGE_BUCKET = '' // your storage bucket name
Serve the index.html file locally (e.g. with Python Simple HTTP Server) and start uploading:
python3 -m http.server