Mobile UI Components, based on Vue.js and ionic CSS.
- Equip with Vue.js, Vue-Router, ES6 & Babel 6
- Build with Webpack & Vue Loader
- Ionic CSS Components
- Stylesheets in Sass
- Starter Project for Development Quick Start
- Typography
- App (Application Instance & Navigation Bar)
- MD-Buttons (Material Design Ripple Button)
- Input
- InputNumber
- Radio
- Checkbox
- Toggle
- Cascade
- List
- Cells
- Tabs
- ButtonBar
- Scalable
- Swiper
- Scroller
- Popover
- Popup
- Modal
- ActionSheet
- Sidebar
- TabBar
- Toast
- Loading (Preloader)
- Uploader
Create project with on-line webpack template.
$ vue init wangdahoo/vonic-template my-project
$ cd my-project
$ npm install
please make sure that you have vue-cli installed.
Run project
$ npm run dev
That's it.