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Integration of React + Webpack + Rails to build Universal (Isomorphic) Apps

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React On Rails

Gem Published:

Current Version: 1.0.0.pre

Live example, including server rendering + redux:

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See Action Plan for v1.0. We're ready v1.0!

Feedback and pull-requests encouraged! Thanks in advance! We've got a private slack channel to discuss react + webpack + rails. [Email us for an invite [email protected]](mailto: [email protected]).


  1. Rails
  2. Webpack
  3. React, both v0.14 and v0.13.
  4. Redux
  5. Turbolinks
  6. Server side rendering with fragment caching
  7. react-router for client side rendering (and server side very soon)


  1. Almost all the open issues are nice to haves like more tests.
  2. If you want to work on any of the open issues, please comment on the issue. My team is mentoring anybody that's trying to help with the issues.
  3. Longer term, we hope to put in many conveniences into this gem, in terms of Webpack + Rails integration. We're open to suggestions.


  1. See for how to integrate it!
  4. If you're looking for consulting on a project using React and Rails, [email us! [email protected]](mailto: [email protected])? You can first join our slack room for some free advice.
  5. We're looking for great developers that want to work with Rails + React with a distributed, worldwide team, for our own products, client work, and open source. More info here.

How is different than the react-rails gem?

  1. react_on_rails depends on webpack. react-rails integrates closely with sprockets and helps you integrate JSX and the react code into a Rails project.
  2. Likewise, using Webpack as shown in the react-webpack-rails-tutorial does involve some extra setup. However, we feel that tight and simple integration with the node ecosystem is more than worth any minor setup costs.
  3. react-rails depends on jquery-ujs for client side rendering. react_on_rails has it's own JS code that does not depend on jquery.

Installation Checklist

  1. Include the gems react_on_rails and therubyracer like this and run bundle. Note, you can sustitute your preferable JavaScript engine.
gem "react_on_rails"
gem "therubyracer"
  1. Globally expose React in your webpack config like this:
  module: {
    loaders: [
      // React is necessary for the client rendering:
      { test: require.resolve('react'), loader: 'expose?React' },
      // For React 0.14
      { test: require.resolve('react-dom'), loader: 'expose?ReactDOM' }, // not in the server one
1. Require `react_on_rails` in your `application.js` like  [this]( It possibly should come after you require `turbolinks`:

//= require react_on_rails

1. Expose your client globals like [this](

 import App from './ClientApp';
 window.App = App;
  1. Put your client globals file as webpack entry points like this. Similar pattern for server rendering.'./app/startup/clientGlobals');
  1. See customization of configuration options below.

Additional Steps For Server Rendering (option prerender shown below)

See the next section for a sample webpack.server.rails.config.js.

  1. Expose your server globals like this

    import App from './ServerApp';
    global.App = App;
  2. Make the server globals file an entry point in your webpack config, like this

    entry: ['./app/startup/serverGlobals'],
  3. Ensure the name of your ouput file (shown here) of your server bundle corresponds to the configuration of the gem. The default path is app/assets/javascripts/generated. See below for customization of configuration variables.

  4. Expose React in your webpack config, like this

      { test: require.resolve('react'), loader: 'expose?React' },
      // For React 0.14
      { test: require.resolve('react-dom/server'), loader: 'expose?ReactDOMServer' }, // not in client one, only server

Sample webpack.server.rails.config.js (ONLY for server rendering)

Be sure to check out the latest example version of client/webpack.server.rails.config.js.

  // Common webpack configuration for server bundle

module.exports = {

  // the project dir
  context: __dirname,
  entry: ['./app/startup/serverGlobals'],
  output: {
    filename: 'server-bundle.js',
    path: '../app/assets/javascripts/generated',

    // CRITICAL to set libraryTarget: 'this' for enabling Rails to find the exposed modules IF you
    //   use the "expose" webpackfunctionality. See startup/serverGlobals.jsx.
    // NOTE: This is NOT necessary if you use the syntax of global.MyComponent = MyComponent syntax.
    // See for documentation of this option
    //libraryTarget: 'this',
  resolve: {
    extensions: ['', '.webpack.js', '.web.js', '.js', '.jsx', 'config.js'],
  module: {
    loaders: [
      {test: /\.jsx?$/, loader: 'babel-loader', exclude: /node_modules/},

      // React is necessary for the client rendering:
      { test: require.resolve('react'), loader: 'expose?React' },
      { test: require.resolve('react-dom/server'), loader: 'expose?ReactDOMServer' },

What Happens?

Here's what the browser will render with a call to the react_component helper. 2015-09-28_20-24-35


See section below titled "Try it out"

Helper Method

The main API is a helper:

  <%= react_component(component_name, props = {}, options = {}) %>

Params are:

  • react_component_name: [string] can be a React component, created using a ES6 class, or React.createClass, or a generator function that returns a React component

    using ES6

    let MyReactComponentApp = (props) => <MyReactComponent {...props}/>;

    or using ES5

    var MyReactComponentApp = function(props) { return <YourReactComponent {...props}/>; }

    Exposing the react_component_name is necessary to both a plain ReactComponent as well as a generator: For client rendering, expose the react_component_name on window:

    window.MyReactComponentApp = MyReactComponentApp;

    For server rendering, export the react_component_name on global:

    global.MyReactComponentApp = MyReactComponentApp;

    If you're curious as to what the gem generates for the server and client rendering, see spec/dummy/client/app/startup/serverGlobals.jsx and spec/dummy/client/app/startup/ClientReduxApp.jsx for examples of this. Note, this is not the code that you are providing. You can see the client code by viewing the page source.

  • props: [hash | string of json] Properties to pass to the react object. See this example if you're using Jbuilder: react-webpack-rails-tutorial view rendering props using jBuilder

<%= react_component('App', render(template: "/comments/index.json.jbuilder"),
    generator_function: true, prerender: true) %>
  • options: [hash]
    • generator_function: <true/false> default is false, set to true if you want to use a generator function rather than a React Component.
    • prerender: <true/false> set to false when debugging!
    • trace: <true/false> set to true to print additional debugging information in the browser default is true for development, off otherwise
    • replay_console: <true/false> Default is true. False will disable echoing server rendering logs, which can make troubleshooting server rendering difficult.
    • Any other options are passed to the content tag, including the id.


  1. Configure your webpack configuration to create the file used for server rendering if you plan to do server rendering.
  2. Follow the examples in spec/dummy/client/app/startup/clientGlobals.jsx to expose your react components for client side rendering.
    import HelloWorld from '../components/HelloWorld';
    window.HelloWorld = HelloWorld;
  3. Follow the examples in spec/dummy/client/app/startup/serverGlobals.jsx to expose your react components for server side rendering.
    import HelloWorld from '../components/HelloWorld';
    global.HelloWorld = HelloWorld;

Server Rendering Tips

  • Your code can't reference document. Server side JS execution does not have access to document, so jQuery and some other libs won't work in this environment. You can debug this by putting in console.log statements in your code.
  • You can conditionally avoid running code that references document by passing in a boolean prop to your top level react component. Since the passed in props Hash from the view helper applies to client and server side code, the best way to do this is to use a generator function.

You might do something like this in some file for your top level component:

global.App = () => <MyComponent serverSide={true} />;

The point is that you have separate files for top level client or server side, and you pass some extra option indicating that rendering is happening server sie.

Optional Configuration

Create a file config/react_on_rails.rb to override any defaults. If you don't specify this file, the default options are below.

The server_bundle_js_file must correspond to the bundle you want to use for server rendering.

# Shown below are the defaults for configuration
ReactOnRails.configure do |config|
  # Client bundles are configured in application.js
  # Server bundle is a single file for all server rendering of components.
  config.server_bundle_js_file = "app/assets/javascripts/generated/server.js" # This is the default

  # Below options can be overriden by passing to the helper method.
  config.prerender = false # default is false
  config.generator_function = false # default is false, meaning that you expose ReactComponents directly
  config.trace = Rails.env.development? # default is true for development, off otherwise

  # For server rendering. This can be set to false so that server side messages are discarded.
  config.replay_console = true # Default is true. Be cautious about turning this off.
  config.logging_on_server = true # Default is true. Logs server rendering messags to
  # Settings for the pool of renderers:
  config.server_renderer_pool_size  ||= 1  # ExecJS doesn't allow more than one on MRI
  config.server_renderer_timeout    ||= 20 # seconds

You can configure your pool of JS virtual machines and specify where it should load code:

  • On MRI, use therubyracer for the best performance (see discussion)
  • On MRI, you'll get a deadlock with pool_size > 1
  • If you're using JRuby, you can increase pool_size to have real multi-threaded rendering.

Try it out in the simple sample app

Contributions and pull requests welcome!

  1. Setup and run the test app in spec/dummy. Note, there's no database.
cd spec/dummy
npm i
foreman start
  1. Visit http://localhost:3000
  2. Notice that the first time you hit the page, you'll see a message that server is rendering. See spec/dummy/app/views/pages/index.html.erb:17 for the generation of that message.
  3. Look at the layouts in spec/dummy/app/views/pages for samples of usage.
  4. Open up the browser console and see some tracing.
  5. Open up the source for the page and see the server rendered code.
  6. If you want to turn on server caching for development, run the server like: export RAILS_USE_CACHE=YES && foreman start
  7. If you're testing with caching, you'll need to open the console and run Rails.cache.clear to clear the cache. Note, even if you stop the server, you'll still have the cache entries around.
  8. If you click back and forth between the react page links, you can see the rails console log as well as the browser console to see what's going on with regards to server rendering and caching.

Key Tips

  1. See sample app in spec/dummy for how to set this up. See note below on ensuring you **DO NOT RUN rails s and instead run foreman start.
  2. Test out the different options and study the JSX samples in spec/dummy/client/app/startup.
  3. Experiment with changing the settings on the render_component helper calls in the ERB files.
  4. The file used for server rendering is hard coded as generated/server.js (assets/javascripts/generated/server.js).
  5. The default for rendering right now is prerender: false. NOTE: Server side rendering does not work for some components, namely react-router, that use an async setup for server rendering. You can configure the default for prerender in your config.
  6. You can expose either a React component or a function that returns a React component. If you wish to create a React component via a function, rather than simply props, then you need to set the property "generator" on that function to true. When that is done, the function is invoked with a single parameter of "props", and that function should return a React element.
  7. Be sure you can first render your react component client only before you try to debug server rendering!
  8. Open up the HTML source and take a look at the generated HTML and the JavaScript to see what's going on under the covers. Not that when server rendering is turned on, then you'll see the server rendered react components. When server rendering is turned off, then you'll only see the div element where the inline JavaScript will render the component. You might also notice how the props you pass (a Ruby Hash) becomes inline JavaScript on the HTML page.

JavaScript Runtime Configuration

See this discussion on JavaScript performance. The net result is that you want to add this line to your Gemfile to get therubyracer as your default JavaScript engine.

gem "therubyracer"

React 0.13 vs. React 0.14

The main difference for using react_on_rails is that you need to add additional lines in the webpack config files:

Client side config file:

{ test: require.resolve('react-dom'), loader: 'expose?ReactDOM' },

Server side config file:

{ test: require.resolve('react-dom/server'), loader: 'expose?ReactDOMServer' },


Generated JavaScript

  1. See sample_generated_js/server-generated.js to see the JavaScript for typical server rendering.
  2. See sample_generated_js/client-generated.js to see the JavaScript for typical client rendering.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

More tips on contributing here


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


The Shaka Code team!

  1. Justin Gordon
  2. Samnang Chhun
  3. Alex Fedoseev

And based on the work of the react-rails gem


Integration of React + Webpack + Rails to build Universal (Isomorphic) Apps






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