- Editor
- Editor v2 HUE-8768
- Query Browser v2
- Query Scheduling HUE-3797
- Generify risk alert and optimization API HUE-8824
- Query Builder HUE-3228
- Public SQL REST APIs HUE-1450
- Additional/Improved SQL autocompletes HUE-9084
- Apache Calcite based: Phoenix, Druid, Spark SQL, Presto, Flink SQL..
- Elastic Search SQL
- Solr SQL
- PartiQl
- ZetaSql...
- Cloud
- Collaboration
- Core
- Kubernetes HUE-8744
- Minimal Continuous Integration Blog post
- Integrate with Apache Atlas HUE-8749
- Integrate with Apache Knox HUE-8750
- Integrate with Apache Hive LLAP HUE-8887
- Docker HUE-8743
- Web Server NGINX
- Documentation refresh HUE-8741
- Frontend moved to Webpack HUE-8687
- SQL Alchemy full support HUE-8740
- Open Tasks
- Designs
- How to contribute