No-Code tools for Web2 & 3.
FRKT(/furɪkt/) provides a frictionless UX for any app.
This repo is build for ETHOnline 2023.
Demo is here.
When I was thinking about dApps ideas, I always ran into two onboarding UX issues. User's wallet and initial gas-fee.
Based on Account Abstraction by Biconomy (we can also use other AA stack) and MPC by Lit protocol, we wrap protocols, smart contracts, and other APIs etc. And we made integrating them together as a toolkit. This toolkit provides Zapier or IFTTT like functionality with embedded widgets into any app.
- [App owner] Setup App, Select a recipe to use, Generate widget code in FRKT dashboard
- [App owner] Install widget code into apps. (paste 1 javascript file & script tag)
- [App users] When the application user opens the widget.
- Create a user's wallet (a. Google Oauth or b. webauthn).
- Execute function in a widget (gas-less tx by AA).
Architecture link here
├── apps
│ ├── dashboard -> 🛠️ Dashboard frontend
│ ├── demo -> ⚽ Demo app frontend
│ ├── frkt-subgraph -> 📈 Subgraph for widget
│ ├── widget -> 👓 Widget
│ └── www -> ✈️ Landing page (
├── packages
│ ├── contracts -> 🎩 Smart contracts
│ └── common -> Common libs
Smart contracts for FRKT widget.
- Hardhat
- Ethers.js
Dashborad for generationg widget code.
- Next.js (React, TypeScript)
- Tailwind CSS
- Hosted on Vercel
- Vercel Postgres
FRKT widget integration demo app. -> FRKT demos
- Vite (React, TypeScript)
- Tailwind CSS, daisyUI
- Firebase Hosting, Firebase Auth(Google OAuth)
Widget component for recipes.
- Next.js (React, TypeScript)
- Tailwind CSS
- Hosted on Vercel
- Vercel Postgres
- Hono, Vite (React, TypeScript)
- Tailwind CSS
- Hosted on Cloudflare Pages
Safe{Core} Account Abstraction SDK
Our team developed the SignContract widget with the Safe{Core} Account Abstraction SDK built in.
protocol-kit code is here
relay-kit code is here
Relay Transaction Task ID is 0x8d6ae383814cd4ca70aa72c042e9aaf6db517c6107258bb1c69dde2554bec659
safe-core-sdk-types code is here
Programmatic Signing with the Lit JS SDK V3
Our team developed authbypass, the most prominent feature of this product, using LitProtocol SDK V3.
GoogleAuth and WebAuthn are supported so that users can implement their preferred authentication method.
claming key with Google Auth code is here
mint PKP with WebAuthn code is here
DWeb It The PDF file of the contract used in the SignContract Widget was uploaded to IPFS using creating the recipe, the file was uploaded, the IPFS link was set to the smart contract, and the information was stored in The Graph protocol.
Best Public Good with Account Abstraction or Gasless transactions on Polygon
Our team has developed a gasless cross-chain NFT that combines the capabilities of Biconomy and ChainLink CCIP to mint from the Avalanche testnet to the Polygon testnet.
For UX optimization, we combined LitProtocol MPC and AA technologies to allow users to create wallets without being aware of the blockchain. All the user has to do is log in and press a button just like in existing apps.
Avalanche testnet's Sender Contract is here
Polygon testnet's Reciver Contract is here
Deploy on Scroll Our team deployed SignContract on Scroll Alpha.
New Subgraph
Our team deployed a new subgraph to index SignContract data deployed in Base Goerli. This subgraph makes it possible to centrally manage multiple contracts with a single contract.
Subgraph's API endpoint is here
sample Query
query MyQuery { signContractCreateds( orderBy: signId orderDirection: desc where: { signId: "1" } ) { appId name receipeId required safeAddress signId uri owners } changeApproveStatuses( orderBy: signId orderDirection: desc where: { signId: "1" } ) { appId receipeId signId approveStatus } signatureAddeds( orderBy: signId orderDirection: desc where: { signId: "1" } ) { appId receipeId signId signature } }
use Chainlink CCIP
Our team has developed a gasless cross-chain NFT that combines the capabilities of Biconomy and Litprotocol to mint from the Avalanche testnet to the Polygon testnet.
Avalanche testnet's Sender Contract is here
Polygon testnet's Reciver Contract is here
【OpenSea】Minted NFT (on Polygon testnet)
solidity's code of CCIP Contract implementation is here(sender side)
Pushing Boundaries Award (Most Creative Idea Using Push Protocol)
Our product is designed to allow the developer to set the paymaster for each app, so we developed a GatTankChatbot that uses the PushProtocol SDK to notify developer when the paymaster's balance gets low so that we do not run out of paymaster.