TimeTest is a tool to benchmark code with simple api
// Use static methods
TimeTest.Start(string title, bool useMilliseconds = false)
// Or as disposable with using statement
using (new TimeTest(string title, bool useMilliseconds = false))
TimeTest.Start("1k GO creation", true);
List<GameObject> objects = new List<GameObject>();
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
objects.Add(new GameObject("Object No" + i));
using (new TimeTest("Massive parenting"))
Transform parent = null;
foreach (var o in objects)
if (parent == null)
parent = o.transform;
parent = o.transform;
Logger is a tool to create custom log txt file. It will also automatically collect all Debug.Log messages and exceptions
Logger.Log(string text)
Logger.Log(Exception ex)
By default it will create customLog.txt file in Data folder for standalone builds.