diff --git a/moviepy/video/io/html_tools.py b/moviepy/video/io/html_tools.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..88c23a57e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/moviepy/video/io/html_tools.py
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+This module implements ipython_display
+A function to embed images/videos/audio in the IPython Notebook
+# Notes:
+# All media are physically embedded in the IPython Notebook
+# (instead of simple links to the original files)
+# That is because most browsers use a cache system and they won't
+# properly refresh the media when the original files are changed.
+import os
+from base64 import b64encode
+from moviepy.tools import extensions_dict
+ from IPython.display import HTML
+ ipython_available = True
+except ImportError:
+ ipython_available = False
+from .ffmpeg_reader import ffmpeg_parse_infos
+sorry = "Sorry, seems like your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio/video"
+templates = {"audio":("
+ "image":"
+ "video":("
+def html_embed(clip, filetype=None, maxduration=60, rendering_kwargs=None,
+ **html_kwargs):
+ """ Returns HTML5 code embedding the clip
+ clip
+ Either a file name, or a clip to preview.
+ Either an image, a sound or a video. Clips will actually be
+ written to a file and embedded as if a filename was provided.
+ filetype:
+ One of 'video','image','audio'. If None is given, it is determined
+ based on the extension of ``filename``, but this can bug.
+ **kwargs:
+ Allow you to give some options, like width=260, etc.
+ Examples
+ =========
+ >>> import moviepy.editor as mpy
+ >>> # later ...
+ >>> clip.write_videofile("test.mp4")
+ >>> mpy.ipython_display("test.mp4", width=360)
+ >>> clip.audio.write_audiofile('test.ogg') # Sound !
+ >>> mpy.ipython_display('test.ogg')
+ >>> clip.write_gif("test.gif")
+ >>> mpy.ipython_display('test.gif')
+ >>> clip.save_frame("first_frame.jpeg")
+ >>> mpy.ipython_display("first_frame.jpeg")
+ """
+ if rendering_kwargs is None:
+ rendering_kwargs = {}
+ # QUICK AND VERY DIRTY: next step is use "isinstance" with classes.
+ # But cross-dependencies in modules may make it difficult...
+ if "Clip" in str(clip.__class__):
+ TEMP_PREFIX = "__temp__"
+ if "ImageClip" in str(clip.__class__):
+ filename = TEMP_PREFIX+".png"
+ kwargs = {'filename':filename}
+ kwargs.update(rendering_kwargs)
+ clip.save_frame(**kwargs)
+ elif "Video" in str(clip.__class__):
+ filename = TEMP_PREFIX+".mp4"
+ kwargs = {'filename':filename, 'verbose':False, 'preset':'ultrafast'}
+ kwargs.update(rendering_kwargs)
+ clip.write_videofile(**kwargs)
+ elif "AudioClip" in str(clip.__class__):
+ filename = TEMP_PREFIX+".mp3"
+ kwargs = {'filename': filename, 'verbose':False}
+ kwargs.update(rendering_kwargs)
+ clip.write_audiofile(filename, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unknown class for the clip. Cannot embed and preview.")
+ return html_embed(filename, maxduration=maxduration, rendering_kwargs=rendering_kwargs,
+ **html_kwargs)
+ filename = clip
+ options = " ".join(["%s='%s'"%(str(k), str(v)) for k,v in html_kwargs.items()])
+ name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+ ext = ext[1:]
+ if filetype is None:
+ ext = filename.split('.')[-1].lower()
+ if ext == "gif":
+ filetype = 'image'
+ elif ext in extensions_dict:
+ filetype = extensions_dict[ext]['type']
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("No file type is known for the provided file. Please provide "
+ "argument `filetype` (one of 'image', 'video', 'sound') to the "
+ "ipython display function.")
+ if filetype== 'video':
+ # The next lines set the HTML5-cvompatible extension and check that the
+ # extension is HTML5-valid
+ exts_htmltype = {'mp4': 'mp4', 'webm':'webm', 'ogv':'ogg'}
+ allowed_exts = " ".join(exts_htmltype.keys())
+ try:
+ ext = exts_htmltype[ext]
+ except:
+ raise ValueError("This video extension cannot be displayed in the "
+ "IPython Notebook. Allowed extensions: "+allowed_exts)
+ if filetype in ['audio', 'video']:
+ duration = ffmpeg_parse_infos(filename)['duration']
+ if duration > maxduration:
+ raise ValueError("The duration of video %s (%.1f) exceeds the 'max_duration' "%(filename, duration)+
+ "attribute. You can increase 'max_duration', "
+ "but note that embedding large videos may take all the memory away !")
+ with open(filename, "rb") as f:
+ data= b64encode(f.read())
+ template = templates[filetype]
+ return template%{'data':data, 'options':options, 'ext':ext}
+def ipython_display(clip, filetype=None, maxduration=60, rendering_kwargs=None,
+ **html_kwargs):
+ """
+ clip
+ Either the name of a file, or a clip to preview. The clip will
+ actually be written to a file and embedded as if a filename was provided.
+ filetype:
+ One of 'video','image','audio'. If None is given, it is determined
+ based on the extension of ``filename``, but this can bug.
+ **kwargs:
+ Allow you to give some options, like width=260, etc.
+ Remarks: If your browser doesn't support HTML5, this should warn you.
+ If nothing is displayed, maybe your file or filename is wrong.
+ The media will be physically embedded in the notebook.
+ Examples
+ =========
+ >>> import moviepy.editor as mpy
+ >>> # later ...
+ >>> clip.write_videofile("test.mp4")
+ >>> mpy.ipython_display("test.mp4", width=360)
+ >>> clip.audio.write_audiofile('test.ogg') # Sound !
+ >>> mpy.ipython_display('test.ogg')
+ >>> clip.write_gif("test.gif")
+ >>> mpy.ipython_display('test.gif')
+ >>> clip.save_frame("first_frame.jpeg")
+ >>> mpy.ipython_display("first_frame.jpeg")
+ """
+ if not ipython_available:
+ raise ImportError("Only works inside an IPython Notebook")
+ return HTML(html_embed(clip, filetype=filetype, maxduration=maxduration,
+ rendering_kwargs=rendering_kwargs, **html_kwargs))
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