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Code for reproducing the results in "HICO: A Benchmark for Recognizing Human-Object Interactions in Images"

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HICO Benchmark

Code for reproducing the results in the following paper:

HICO: A Benchmark for Recognizing Human-Object Interactions in Images
Y.-W. Chao, Z. Wang, Y. He, J. Wang, and J. Deng
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015

Check out the project site for more details.

Citing HICO Benchmark

Please cite HICO Benchmark in your publications if it helps your research:

  author = {Yu-Wei Chao and Zhan Wang and Yugeng He and Jiaxuan Wang and Jia Deng},
  title = {HICO: A Benchmark for Recognizing Human-Object Interactions in Images},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision},
  year = {2015},


  1. Download and extract the HICO dataset.
  tar -zxvf hico_20150920.tar.gz
  1. Clone this repo and change the directory.
  git clone
  cd hico_benchmark
  1. Create symlinks for the downloaded HICO dataset. $HICO_ROOT should contain images, anno.mat, and README.
  ln -sf $HICO_ROOT ./external/hico_20150920

Download pre-computed DNN features

Our pre-computed DNN features guarantee exact reproduction of the paper's results.


This will populate the data folder with precomputed_dnn_features.

Training and evaluating HOI classifiers

  1. Start MATLAB matlab under hico_benchmark. You should see the message added paths for the experiment! followed by the MATLAB prompt >>.

  2. Run setup to prepare the required files.

  • Generate the annotation file anno_iccv.mat from anno.mat. For the default evaluation setting, we add extra ground-truth negatives by sampling "unknown" images for each HOI class (see the paper for details). Using the provided sample set is necessary for exact reproduction of the paper's result.
  • Download and build liblinear.
  1. The training code will use parfor. Uncomment and set poolsize in config.m according to your need, or leave it commented out if you want MATLAB to set it automatically.

  2. Run train_svm_vo to start the training of HOI classifiers.

  • By default, the code will run training with DNN features from Alex's Net pretrained on ImageNet, i.e. the "DNN (ImageNet)" in the paper.
  • The code also supports training with the Fine-tune V, Fine-tune O, and Fine-tune VO features, i.e. the "DNN (fine-tune V)", "DNN (fine-tune O)", and "DNN (fine-tune VO)" in the paper. Simply comment out or uncomment each line below in train_svm_vo.m to select a feature type.
  feat_type = 'imagenet';
  % feat_type = 'ft_verb';
  % feat_type = 'ft_object';
  % feat_type = 'ft_action';
  1. Run eval_default_run or eval_ko_run to evaluate the trained HOI classifiers in the default or "Known Object (KO)" setting.
  • The code will output mean average precision (mAP) on 600 HOI classes.
  • Similar to train_svm_vo.m, you can select the feature type by editing eval_default_run.m and eval_ko_run.m.


Code for reproducing the results in "HICO: A Benchmark for Recognizing Human-Object Interactions in Images"






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