If you are reading this file, probably you already have sources.
Use following command to checkout the project sources:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Maximus5/ConEmu.git
Submodule ‘minhook’ is available here:
originally forked from here:
Visual Studio solution (*.sln) files. Supported versions:
- CE.sln Visual C++ 2008 and Windows SDK 7.0 (required!)
- CE10.sln Visual C++ 2010
- CE11.sln Visual C++ 2012
- CE12.sln Visual C++ 2013
- CE14.sln Visual C++ 2015
Visual C++ makefiles (current releases are build with Windows SDK 7.0)
nmake /F makefile_all_vc
! This method requires libCRT.lib (libCRT64.lib),
! placed in 'common' subfolder.
! These files may be compiled from Far Manager sources.
! http://farmanager.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugins --> common folder
! Windows SDK 7.0 required, check version in registry:
! HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows
! HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows -
Use GnuC (MinGW) and makefile_all_gcc.
mingw32-make -f makefile_all_gcc WIDE=1
! This method was tested only for x86 builds.
! Still has several limitations due to lack of MinGW headers.