If you are new to SBE we suggest to download our NuGet package, it contains:
- SBE.dll, the generated code depends on it
- SbeTool.jar, to generate your encoders and decoders
- a small sample, to quickly get you up and running
From Visual Studio, search for “SBE” for pre-release modules (we are still in beta!)
To run the build: $ build.bat
Note: the build file assumes .NET 4 is installed.
This will:
- restore NuGet packages
- compile the solution
- run unit tests
- Adaptive.SimpleBinaryEncoding contains classes and interfaces used by SBE generated code.
- Adaptive.SimpleBinaryEncoding.Tests contains unit tests for Adaptive.SimpleBinaryEncoding.
- Adaptive.SimpleBinaryEncoding.Examples is a sample demonstrating how to encode and decode messages with SBE. All classes in this project are code generated by SbeTool except SbeProgram.cs which uses the generated code to encode and then decode a 'Car' object. Have a look to SbeProgram to get a better understanding of how you should use SBE generated APIs.