All the images in one category are stored in one lmdb database file. The value of each entry is the jpg binary data. We resize all the images so that the smaller dimension is 256 and compress the images in jpeg with quality 75.
Install Python
Install Python dependency: numpy, lmdb, opencv
View the lmdb content
python2.7 view <image db path>
Export the images to a folder
python2.7 export <image db path> --out_dir <output directory>
Export all the images in valuation sets in the current folder to a "data" subfolder.
python2.7 export *_val_lmdb --out_dir data
We expect one category prediction for each image in the testing set. The name of each image is the key value in the LMDB database. Each category has an index as listed in index list. The submitted results on the testing set will be stored in a text file with one line per image. In each line, there are two fields separated by a whitespace. The first is the image key and the second is the predicted category index. For example:
0001c44e5f5175a7e6358d207660f971d90abaf4 0
000319b73404935eec40ac49d1865ce197b3a553 1
00038e8b13a97577ada8a884702d607220ce6d15 2
00039ba1bf659c30e50b757280efd5eba6fc2fe1 3
The score for the submission is the percentage of correctly predicted labels. In our evaluation, we will double check our ground truth labels for the testing images and we may remove some images with controversial labels in the final evaluation.