Source: modules.puml
To build Operate locally, following Maven configuration is needed:
To run the application locally without docker you can use
make start-backend
This starts elasticsearch and zeebe docker containers, then installs operate locally and starts the server. You can shutdown the application with Control-C. At the first run it takes some time to resolve all dependencies.
To run the application locally you can use docker
, docker-compose
. Make sure to have a recent version of these tools installed
locally: you should be able to run these commands on your shell without
Windows users need to install make
manually on their shell. You can find
instructions on how to do it
To spawn the full local environment, run this command in the root folder:
make env-up
The app will be running at localhost:8080
To stop:
make env-down
To see the status of the environment, you can run:
make env-status
This command should pull/build the necessary containers to run the application locally, the first run might take a while. This includes a local elasticsearch, zeebe, operate backend and frontend.
You can clean your local docker environment using:
make env-clean
This will delete all dangling images and containers. It might be useful when you run out of space or if you encounter any problem with the docker daemon.
Sometimes Elasticsearch will not run reporting the error in log:
max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] likely too low, increase to at least [262144]
In this case following command might fix the issue:
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
To set this value permanently, update the vm.max_map_count
setting in /etc/sysctl.conf. For more info see here:
- feat (new feature for the user, not a new feature for build script)
- fix (bug fix for the user, not a fix to a build script)
- docs (changes to the documentation)
- style (changes to css, styling, etc; no business logic change)
- refactor (refactoring production code, eg. renaming a variable)
- test (adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change)
- chore (updating grunt tasks etc; no production code change)
- The staging environment is available here: . Every commit to master (successfully built) will be published to stage automatically.
- Moreover, to deploy a PR at $ (e.s.
) please add thedeploy-preview
label to the PR.
- Every branch that starts with
) will skip backend tests in CI.
License: This repository contains files subject to a commercial license.
On Operate we use Playwright for visual regression testing. These tests run on every push on every branch through Github Actions.
To run these locally you can follow the steps below:
- Inside the client folder run
yarn build:visual-regression
- After the build is finished start the Docker container with
yarn start-visual-regression-docker
- Inside the container, run
yarn start:visual-regression &
- After that, run
yarn playwright visual
After the tests run, test report is saved locally in operate/client/playwright-report. In case step 4 fails with Failed to open browser on ...
, run the following command inside client folder to see the test results: npx @playwright/test show-report playwright-report/
If you made feature changes and want to purposely wants to update the UI baseline you can follow the steps before, but on step 4 you should run yarn playwright visual --update-snapshots
. Beware the this will update all screenshots, so make sure you only have the changes you want to update in your branch.
Sometimes the visual regression tests might fail in the CI and you want to check why. To achieve that you can download the Playwright report assets (like in the image below), unzip the folder and then run npx @playwright/test show-report folder-with-unzipped-assets/
Playwright e2e tests run on every push on every branch through Github Actions.
To run these locally you can follow the steps below:
To run E2E dedicated backend (Zeebe on port 26503 + Operate on port 8081):
make start-e2e
To rerun (and clean up data), press Ctrl+C and run the same command again.
To start dev server and connect it to E2E related backend:
cd client
yarn start:e2e
yarn test:e2e