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This directory contains documentation in reStructuredText format

It is the root of a Sphinx source tree and can be modified to add more
documentation, style sheets, JavaScript, etc.  The Sphinx config file
is ````.

There is also a custom Sphinx domain implemented in ``ext/``
which adds some reST directives and roles that aid in generating useful
index entries and cross-references.  Other extensions can be added in
a similar fashion.

The ``make doc`` target in the top-level Makefile can be used to locally
render the reST files into HTML.  That target depends on:

* Python interpreter >= 2.7
* Sphinx:
* Read the Docs Sphinx Theme:
* GitPython:

If you have pip, you may just use ``pip install -r requirements.txt`` to
install all the dependencies.

After the build completes, HTML documentation is symlinked in ``build/html``.

There's also a ``make livehtml`` target in the top-level Makefile that
is useful for editing the reST files and seeing changes rendered out live
to a separate HTML browser.