Consists of various examples to get familiar with writing GTK 4 applications using the Rust bindings. Note there are other examples part of gtk-rs-core.
Each example can be run by changing the current working directory to this folder and then executing:
cargo run --bin [example_name]
For example, if you want to run the example in subfolder "basics", execute:
cargo run --bin basics
- Basic example
- Using the Builder pattern
- Clipboard
- Clock example
- Composite Template
- Content Provider
- Custom Application
- Custom Buildable
- Custom Editable
- Custom Layout Manager
- Custom Orientable
- Custom Paintable
- Custom Widget
- Dialog
- Entry Completion
- Entry Undo
- Expressions
- FlowBox
- Glium GL-Area
- Grid Packing
- GtkBuilder example
- ListView: Applications Launcher
- Scale Bin
- Search Bar
- Squares
- TextView
- Video Player
- Virtual Methods