Sophisticated ERP, CRM, Point-Of-Sale, etc. Open source now. This system is developed since 1996.
Stanford Network Analysis Platform (SNAP) is a general purpose network analysis and graph mining library.
oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB)
A four-dimensional Analysis of Partitioned Approximate Filters
Benchmarks of approximate nearest neighbor libraries in Python
Prefix Filter: Practically and Theoretically Better Than Bloom.
Tiered Indexing is a general approach to improve the memory utilization of buffer-managed data structures including B+tree, Hashing, Heap, and Log-Structured-Merge Tree for skewed workloads.
BC-Tree and Ball-Tree for Point-to-Hyperplane NNS (ICDE 2023)
Paper collections of retrieval-based (augmented) language model.
An adaptive radix tree for efficient indexing in main memory.
Masstree -- lockless cache-aware trie of B+ trees [experimental]
Wormhole: A concurrent ordered in-memory key-value index with O(log L) search cost (L is search key's length)
Synthetic data generator for generating uniform/normal/exponential distribution data