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The Ice framework provides everything you need to build networked applications, including RPC, pub/sub, server deployment, and more.
Ice for Python is the Python implementation of the Ice framework.
// Slice definitions (
module Demo
interface Hello
void sayHello();
// Client application (
import sys
import Ice
import Demo
# Ice.initialize returns an initialized Ice communicator, the communicator is destroyed
# once it goes out of scope.
with Ice.initialize(sys.argv) as communicator:
hello = Demo.HelloPrx(communicator, "hello:default -h localhost -p 10000")
// Server application (
import signal
import sys
import Ice
import Demo
class Printer(Demo.Hello):
def sayHello(self, current):
print("Hello World!")
# Ice.initialize returns an initialized Ice communicator, the communicator is destroyed
# once it goes out of scope.
with Ice.initialize(sys.argv) as communicator:
# Install a signal handler to shutdown the communicator on Ctrl-C
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda signum, frame: communicator.shutdown())
if hasattr(signal, 'SIGBREAK'):
signal.signal(signal.SIGBREAK, lambda signum, frame: communicator.shutdown())
adapter = communicator.createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("Hello", "default -h localhost -p 10000")
adapter.add(Printer(), Ice.stringToIdentity("hello"))