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IREE Dispatch Profiler

The IREE Dispatch Profiler is a Python-based tool designed to achieve two primary objectives: functional verification and performance profiling for individual dispatches, such as matrix multiplication, batch matrix multiplication, and convolutions. This tool ensures that performance optimizations maintain functionality and provides a convenient way to quantitatively measure performance. Additionally, the tool offers dispatch generation and compilation capabilities. In summary, the IREE dispatch profiler accomplishes the following:

  • Auto-generation of MLIR dispatches (e.g., matmul, batch_matmul, convolutions, fused dispatches).
  • Compilation of generated MLIR dispatches into binaries (vmfb).
  • Functional verification against Python-based reference implementations.
  • Performance profiling and reporting.


  • Operation: An operation structure captures and refers to the functional description of an operation. For example, a Matmul operation includes the datatype, layout, and matrix multiplication problem shape.
  • Tuning Configuration: Tuning configurations are attributes applied to the IREE compilation flow that can alter the performance of the compiled dispatch without affecting its functionality.
  • Dispatch: A dispatch is a combination of an operation and its corresponding tuning configuration.

Auto-generation of MLIR Dispatches

IREE dispatch profiler provides that can be used to generate dispatches. Please find a sample run below:

$ python3 dispatch_profiler/ --generated-dir </path/to/create/`generated`/dir>
[Generating]: ./generated/linalg/matmul/matmul_128x128x256_f16t_f16t_f16t/matmul_128x128x256_f16t_f16t_f16t.mlir
    Emitting tuning configuration : tile_config_128x128_64x4_tensorcore_mmasync
    Emitting tuning configuration : tile_config_128x128_32x5_tensorcore_mmasync
    Emitting tuning configuration : tile_config_128x64_32x5_tensorcore_mmasync
    Emitting tuning configuration : tile_config_64x64_64x5_tensorcore_mmasync
    Emitting tuning configuration : tile_config_64x64_32x10_tensorcore_mmasync

This creates a generated folder containing dispatches organized in folders as mlir_dialect/operation_name/. The folder includes an .mlir file with all the dispatches for an operation.

The script serves as a generator for implemented operation data types, using a predefined list of problem shapes. You can also provide specific matrix multiplication shapes of interest. Examples are provided below.

Generating user-specified matmul shape 768x512x1024

python3 ../iree/experimental/dispatch_profiler/ --generated-dir </path/to/create/`generated`/dir> --problem-m=768 --problem-n=512 --problem-k=1024
[Generating]: ./generated/linalg/matmul/matmul_768x512x1024_f16t_f16t_f16t/matmul_768x512x1024_f16t_f16t_f16t.mlir
[Generating]: ./generated/linalg/matmul/matmul_768x512x1024_f32t_f32t_f32t/matmul_768x512x1024_f32t_f32t_f32t.mlir

Generate a user-specified sweep of matmul shapes

Generate matmuls where M ranges from 64 to 1024 in increments of 128, N varies from 64 to 1024 in steps of 128, and K is fixed at 4096.

$ python3 ../iree/experimental/dispatch_profiler/ --generated-dir </path/to/create/`generated`/dir> --problem-m=64:1024:128 --problem-n=64:1024:128 --problem-k=4096

Compilation of generated MLIR dispatches into binaries (vmfb)

IREE dispatch profiler provies that trigges iree-compile with appropiate compilation flags. The output of iree-compile vmfb files are placed in mlir_dialect/operation_path/operation_name.mlir. The uses all the possible cpus on your machine to compile all different generated mlir source files.

python3 ../iree/experimental/dispatch_profiler/ --build-dir </path/to/iree/build/dir> --generated-dir </path/to/create/`generated`/dir>

Compiles all the generated source mlir dispatches. One can check the generated dispatched folder to find the vmfb files.

$ ls ./generated/linalg/matmul/matmul_64x64x4096_f16t_f16t_f16t/
iree_compile_cmd_stdout.mlir  matmul_64x64x4096_f16t_f16t_f16t.mlir  matmul_64x64x4096_f16t_f16t_f16t_profile.vmfb  matmul_64x64x4096_f16t_f16t_f16t_verify.vmfb

Functional verification and performance profiling

The tool provides script which can be used to trigger both verification and profiler for all the compiled dispatches. Please find some example profiling commandlines below:

Functional verification and performance profiling of a single dispatch

$ python3 --build-dir </path/to/iree/build/dir> --generated-dir </path/to/create/`generated`/dir> --dispatches=matmul_3456x1024x2048_f16t_f16t_f16t_tile_config_128x128_32x5_tensorcore_mmasync --verification-enabled=true --profiling-enabled=true
Dispatch      : matmul_3456x1024x2048_f16t_f16t_f16t_tile_config_128x128_32x5_tensorcore_mmasync
Provider      : IREE Codegen
OpKind        : OperationKind.Matmul
Operation     : matmul_3456x1024x2048_f16t_f16t_f16t
Configuration : tile_config_128x128_32x5_tensorcore_mmasync
Arguments     : --batch_count=1 --m=3456 --n=1024 --k=2048 --lhs=f16t --rhs=f16t --result=f16t
                --split_k_mode=N/A --split_k_slices=N/A
Verification  : SUCCESS
Runtime(ms)   : 0.062
GFLOPs        : 233798.62

Performance profiling single dispatch

Verification, particularly for large matrix multiplications, can be time-consuming when using a CPU-based numpy reference. To prioritize profiling speed and when functional correctness is assured, disable verification using --verification-enabled=false.

python3 --build-dir </path/to/iree/build/dir> --generated-dir </path/to/create/`generated`/dir> --dispatches=matmul_3456x1024x2048_f16t_f16t_f16t_tile_config_128x128_32x5_tensorcore_mmasync --verification-enabled=false --profiling-enabled=true

Performance profile single operation and sweep tunning configurations

The --dispatch option accepts a comma-separated list of regex patterns to profile all tuning configurations generated for a operation. The command-line argument is formatted as --dispatch=<regex>,<regex>. Additionally, you can export the profiled output to a CSV file for further analysis using --output=<filepath>.

$ python3 --build-dir </path/to/iree/build/dir> --generated-dir </path/to/create/`generated`/dir> --dispatches=matmul_3456x1024x2048_f16t_f16t_f16t_*_tensorcore_mmasync --verification-enabled=false --profiling-enabled=true --output=data.csv
Dispatch      : matmul_3456x1024x2048_f16t_f16t_f16t_tile_config_128x256_32x3_tensorcore_mmasync
Provider      : IREE Codegen
OpKind        : OperationKind.Matmul
Operation     : matmul_3456x1024x2048_f16t_f16t_f16t
Configuration : tile_config_128x256_32x3_tensorcore_mmasync
Arguments     : --batch_count=1 --m=3456 --n=1024 --k=2048 --lhs=f16t --rhs=f16t --result=f16t
                --split_k_mode=N/A --split_k_slices=N/A
Verification  : Not verified
Runtime(ms)   : 0.062
GFLOPs        : 233798.62
Dispatch      : matmul_3456x1024x2048_f16t_f16t_f16t_tile_config_128x128_64x4_tensorcore_mmasync
Provider      : IREE Codegen
OpKind        : OperationKind.Matmul
Operation     : matmul_3456x1024x2048_f16t_f16t_f16t
Configuration : tile_config_128x128_64x4_tensorcore_mmasync
Arguments     : --batch_count=1 --m=3456 --n=1024 --k=2048 --lhs=f16t --rhs=f16t --result=f16t
                --split_k_mode=N/A --split_k_slices=N/A
Verification  : Not verified
Runtime(ms)   : 0.064
GFLOPs        : 226492.42
Dispatch      : matmul_3456x1024x2048_f16t_f16t_f16t_tile_config_64x64_32x10_tensorcore_mmasync
Provider      : IREE Codegen
OpKind        : OperationKind.Matmul
Operation     : matmul_3456x1024x2048_f16t_f16t_f16t
Configuration : tile_config_64x64_32x10_tensorcore_mmasync
Arguments     : --batch_count=1 --m=3456 --n=1024 --k=2048 --lhs=f16t --rhs=f16t --result=f16t
                --split_k_mode=N/A --split_k_slices=N/A
Verification  : Not verified
Runtime(ms)   : 0.103
GFLOPs        : 140733.15

Writing performance report to data.csv

Performance profiling a large matmul targetting F16 and F32 datatype

Another example showcasing the use of --dispatch to profile a matmul_3456x1024x2048 targetting F16 and F32 NVIDIA A100 Tensor Cores.

$ python3 --build-dir </path/to/iree/build/dir> --generated-dir </path/to/create/`generated`/dir>  --dispatches=matmul_3456x1024x2048_f16t_f16t_f16t_tile_config_128x128_32x5_tensorcore_mmasync,matmul_3456x1024x2048_f32t_f32t_f32t_tile_config_128x128_16x5_tensorcore_mmasync 
Dispatch      : matmul_3456x1024x2048_f16t_f16t_f16t_tile_config_128x128_32x5_tensorcore_mmasync
Provider      : IREE Codegen
OpKind        : OperationKind.Matmul
Operation     : matmul_3456x1024x2048_f16t_f16t_f16t
Configuration : tile_config_128x128_32x5_tensorcore_mmasync
Arguments     : --batch_count=1 --m=3456 --n=1024 --k=2048 --lhs=f16t --rhs=f16t --result=f16t
                --split_k_mode=N/A --split_k_slices=N/A
Verification  : SUCCESS
Runtime(ms)   : 0.062
GFLOPs        : 233798.62
Dispatch      : matmul_3456x1024x2048_f32t_f32t_f32t_tile_config_128x128_16x5_tensorcore_mmasync
Provider      : IREE Codegen
OpKind        : OperationKind.Matmul
Operation     : matmul_3456x1024x2048_f32t_f32t_f32t
Configuration : tile_config_128x128_16x5_tensorcore_mmasync
Arguments     : --batch_count=1 --m=3456 --n=1024 --k=2048 --lhs=f32t --rhs=f32t --result=f32t
                --split_k_mode=N/A --split_k_slices=N/A
Verification  : SUCCESS
Runtime(ms)   : 0.122
GFLOPs        : 118815.69