nav | toc | ||
menu |
Load component dynamically on demand.
Common use case:To reduce first screen download cost, component with huge implementation / dependency can be split in differnet bundle. Let's say we have component HugeA
with huge 3rd-party dependency, and this HugeA
will not be used in first screen, that means it can be split out. We shall use dynamic
in this case.
Why use dynamic
:It includes functions like split chunks
, async chunks loader
, loading state maintainance
, so developers is free from those technical details and is able to focus their business.
Usually work with dynamic import syntax.
Create dynamic component
import { dynamic } from 'umi';
export default dynamic({
loader: async function () {
// webpackChunkName tells webpack create separate bundle for HugeA
const { default: HugeA } = await import(
/* webpackChunkName: "external_A" */ './HugeA'
return HugeA;
Use dynamic component
import React from 'react';
import AsyncHugeA from './AsyncHugeA';
// import as normal component
// with below benefits out of box:
// 1. download bundle automatically
// 2. give a loading splash while downloading (customizable)
// 3. display HugeA whenever component downloaded
export default () => {
return <AsyncHugeA />;
import { history } from 'umi';
// history 栈里的实体个数
// 当前 history 跳转的 action,有 PUSH、REPLACE 和 POP 三种类型
// location 对象,包含 pathname、search 和 hash
import { history } from 'umi';
// 跳转到指定路由
// 带参数跳转到指定路由
pathname: '/list',
query: {
a: 'b',
// 跳转到上一个路由
import { history } from 'umi';
const unlisten = history.listen((location, action) => {
运行时插件接口,是 Umi 内置的跑在浏览器里的一套插件体系。
import { plugin, ApplyPluginsType } from 'umi';
// 注册插件
apply: { dva: { foo: 1 } },
path: 'foo',
apply: { dva: { bar: 1 } },
path: 'bar',
// 执行插件
// 得到 { foo: 1, bar: 1 }
key: 'dva',
type: ApplyPluginsType.modify,
initialValue: {},
args: {},
async: false,
- key,坑位的 key
- type,执行方式类型,详见 ApplyPluginsType
- initialValue,初始值
- args,参数
- async,是否异步执行且返回 Promise
运行时插件执行类型,enum 类型,包含三个属性:
- compose,用于合并执行多个函数,函数可决定前序函数的执行时机
- modify,用于修改值
- event,用于执行事件,前面没有依赖关系
Provides declarative, accessible navigation around your application.
import { Link } from 'umi';
export default () => {
return (
{/* A string representation of the Link location */}
<Link to="/about">About</Link>
{/* A string representation of the Link location,
created by concatenating the location’s pathname,
search, and hash properties
<Link to="/courses?sort=name">Courses</Link>
{/* An object representation of the Link location */}
pathname: '/list',
search: '?sort=name',
hash: '#the-hash',
state: { fromDashboard: true },
{/* A function to which current location is
passed as an argument and which should
return location representation as a string
or as an object
to={(location) => {
return { ...location, pathname: '/profile' };
{/* When true, clicking the link will replace
the current entry in the history stack
instead of adding a new one
<Link to="/courses" replace />
forward reference
innerRef={(node) => {
// `node` refers to the mounted DOM element
// or null when unmounted
A special version of the <Link>
that will add styling attributes to the rendered element when it matches the current URL.
import { NavLink } from 'umi';
export default () => {
return (
{/* same as Link */}
<NavLink to="/about">About</NavLink>
{/* The class to give the element when it is active.
The default given class is active.
This will be joined with the className prop
<NavLink to="/faq" activeClassName="selected">
{/* The styles to apply to the element when it is active */}
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: 'red',
{/* When true, the active class/style will only be applied
if the location is matched exactly.
<NavLink exact to="/profile" activeClassName="selected">
{/* When true, the trailing slash on a location’s pathname
will be taken into consideration when determining if
the location matches the current URL.
<NavLink strict to="/profile/" activeClassName="selected">
{/* A function to add extra logic for determining whether
the link is active. This should be used if you want to
do more than verify that the link’s pathname matches
the current URL’s pathname.
isActive={(match, location) => {
if (!match) {
return false;
Used to prompt the user before navigating away from a page. When your application enters a state that should prevent the user from navigating away (like a form is half-filled out), render a <Prompt>
import { Prompt } from 'umi';
export default () => {
return (
{/* The message to prompt the user with when
they try to navigate away.
<Prompt message="Will you leave?" />
{/* Will be called with the next location and action the
user is attempting to navigate to. Return a string
to show a prompt to the user or true to allow the
message={(location) => {
return location.pathname !== '/'
? true
: `Are are sure you want to back to home page?`;
{/* Instead of conditionally rendering a <Prompt> behind a guard,
you can always render it but pass when={true} or when={false}
to prevent or allow navigation accordingly.
<Prompt when={formIsHalfFilledOut} message="Are you sure?" />
You can get access to the history
, location
, match
objects via the withRouter
higher-order component. withRouter
will pass updated match
, location
, and history
props to the wrapped component whenever it renders
import { withRouter } from 'umi';
export default withRouter(({ history, location, match }) => {
return (
<li>history: {history.action}</li>
<li>location: {location.pathname}</li>
<li>match: {`${match.isExact}`}</li>
The useHistory
hook gives you access to the history
instance that you may use to navigate.
import { useHistory } from 'umi';
export default () => {
const history = useHistory();
return (
<li>history: {history.action}</li>
The useLocation
hook returns the location
object that represents the current URL. You can think about it like a useState
that returns a new location whenever the URL changes.
import { useLocation } from 'umi';
export default () => {
const location = useLocation();
return (
<li>location: {location.pathname}</li>
returns an object of key/value pairs of URL parameters. Use it to access match.params
of the current route.
import { useParams } from 'umi';
export default () => {
const params = useParams();
return (
<li>params: {JSON.stringify(params)}</li>
The useRouteMatch
hook attempts to match the current URL in the same way that a Route would. It’s mostly useful for getting access to the match data without actually rendering a <Route />
import { useRouteMatch } from 'umi';
export default () => {
const match = useRouteMatch();
return (
<li>match: {JSON.stringify(match.params)}</li>
通过 package.json 的 main 字段露出,且不存在于 modules 字段里。
Umi 内核的 Service 方法,用于测试,或调用 Umi 底层命令。
umi 默认会依次(相对应用根目录)读取.umirc.ts
new Service({
configFiles: ['.mycustomrc.ts', 'config/mycustom.ts'],
// ... other options
自定义用户配置文件通常用于基于 umi 或 umi-core 深度定制开发框架的场景。
utils 方法,给插件使用,和插件里的 api.utils 是同一个底层库。
用于校验和提示用户配置类型,详见配置#TypeScript 提示。