To test performance of KVDK, you can run our benchmark tool "bench", the tool is auto-built along with KVDK library in the build dir.
You can manually run individual benchmark follow the examples as shown bellow, or simply run our basic benchmark script "scripts/" to test all the basic read/write performance.
To test performance, we need to first fill key-value pairs to the KVDK instance. Since KVDK did not support cross-socket access yet, we need to bind bench program to a numa node:
numactl --cpunodebind=0 --membind=0 ./bench -fill=1 -value_size=120 -threads=64 -path=/mnt/pmem0/kvdk -space=274877906944 -num=838860800 -max_write_threads=64 -type=string -populate=1
This command will fill 83886088 uniform distributed string-type key-value pairs to the KVDK instance that located at /mnt/pmem0/kvdk.
Explanation of arguments:
-fill: Indicates filling data to a new instance.
-threads: Number of threads of benchmark.
-space: PMEM space that allocate to the KVDK instance.
-max_write_threads: Max concurrent write threads of the KVDK instance, set it to the number of the hyper-threads for performance consideration.
-type: Type of key-value pairs to benchmark, it can be "string" or "sorted".
-populate: Populate pmem space while creating new KVDK instance for best write performance in runtime, see "include/kvdk/configs.hpp" for explanation.
After fill the instance, we can test read performance with the command below:
numactl --cpunodebind=0 --membind=0 ./bench -fill=0 -time=10 -value_size=120 -threads=64 -read_ratio=1 -existing_keys_ratio=1 -path=/mnt/pmem0/kvdk -space=274877906944 -num=838860800 -max_write_threads=64 -type=string
This will read key-value pairs from the KVDK instance with 48 threads in 10 seconds.
Explanation of arguments:
-read_ratio: Ratio of read threads among benchmark threads, for example, if set it to 0.5, then there will be 24 write threads and 24 read threads.
-existing_keys_ratio: Ratio of keys among key-value pairs to read that already filled in the instance. For example, if set it to 0.5, then 50% read operations will return NotFound.
Benchmark tool will print performance stats to stdout, include throughput in each second and average ops:
$numactl --cpunodebind=0 --membind=0 ./bench -fill=0 -time=10 -value_size=120 -threads=64 -read_ratio=1 -existing_keys_ratio=1 -path=/mnt/pmem0/kvdk -space=274877906944 -num=838860800 -max_write_threads=64 -type=string
[LOG] time 0 ms: Initializing PMEM size 274877906944 in file /mnt/pmem0/kvdk/data
[LOG] time 1864 ms: Map pmem space done
[LOG] time 9033 ms: In restoring: iterated 840882543 records
init 0 write threads
init 64 read threads
------- ops in seconds -----------
time (ms), read ops, not found, write ops, total read, total write
1000 73691000 0 0 73691000 0
2001 73613000 0 0 147304000 0
3002 73643000 0 0 220947000 0
4003 73656000 0 0 294603000 0
5004 73675000 0 0 368278000 0
6005 73667000 0 0 441945000 0
7006 73699000 0 0 515644000 0
8007 73647000 0 0 589291000 0
9008 73634000 0 0 662925000 0
10009 73677000 0 0 736602000 0
finish bench
------------ statistics ------------
read ops 73660400, write ops 0
[LOG] time 19051 ms: instance closed
Similarily, to test write performance, we can simply modify "read_ratio":
numactl --cpunodebind=0 --membind=0 ./bench -fill=0 -time=10 -value_size=120 -threads=64 -read_ratio=0 -existing_keys_ratio=0 -path=/mnt/pmem0/kvdk -space=274877906944 -num=838860800 -max_write_threads=64 -type=string
This command will insert new key-value pairs to the KVDK instance in 10 seconds. Likely wise, by modify "existing_keys_ratio", we can control how many write operations are updates.
$numactl --cpunodebind=0 --membind=0 ./bench -fill=0 -time=10 -value_size=120 -threads=64 -read_ratio=0 -existing_keys_ratio=0 -path=/mnt/pmem0/kvdk -space=274877906944 -num=838860800 -max_write_threads=64 -type=string
[LOG] time 0 ms: Initializing PMEM size 274877906944 in file /mnt/pmem0/kvdk/data
[LOG] time 1865 ms: Map pmem space done
[LOG] time 9015 ms: In restoring: iterated 840882543 records
init 64 write threads
init 0 read threads
------- ops in seconds -----------
time (ms), read ops, not found, write ops, total read, total write
1000 0 0 50610000 0 50610000
2007 0 0 50053000 0 100663000
3016 0 0 49669000 0 150332000
4017 0 0 49048000 0 199380000
5018 0 0 48540000 0 247920000
6022 0 0 48210000 0 296130000
7023 0 0 47725000 0 343855000
8024 0 0 47354000 0 391209000
9027 0 0 47080000 0 438289000
10028 0 0 46544000 0 484833000
finish bench
------------ statistics ------------
read ops 0, write ops 48483400
[LOG] time 19055 ms: instance closed
We can also stat latency information by add "-latency=1" to the benchmark command.
$ numactl --cpunodebind=0 --membind=0 ./bench -fill=0 -time=10 -value_size=120 -threads=64 -read_ratio=0.5 -existing_keys_ratio=1 -path=/mnt/pmem0/kvdk -space=274877906944 -num=838860800 -max_write_threads=64 -type=string -latency=1
[LOG] time 0 ms: Initializing PMEM size 274877906944 in file /mnt/pmem0/kvdk/data
[LOG] time 1869 ms: Map pmem space done
[LOG] time 14963 ms: In restoring: iterated 1323729106 records
calculate latencies
init 6 write threads
init 58 read threads
------- ops in seconds -----------
time (ms), read ops, not found, write ops, total read, total write
1000 62763000 0 3933000 62763000 3933000
2001 62297000 0 4303000 125060000 8236000
3002 62190000 0 4530000 187250000 12766000
4003 62194000 0 4530000 249444000 17296000
5004 62206000 0 4531000 311650000 21827000
6005 62172000 0 4527000 373822000 26354000
7006 62194000 0 4530000 436016000 30884000
8007 62227000 0 4535000 498243000 35419000
9008 62196000 0 4529000 560439000 39948000
10009 62190000 0 4527000 622629000 44475000
finish bench
------------ statistics ------------
read ops 62263100, write ops 4447500
read lantencies (us): Avg: 0.89, P50: 0.83, P99: 1.54, P99.5: 1.67, P99.9: 2.77, P99.99: 4.20
write lantencies (us): Avg: 0.09, P50: 1.22, P99: 2.64, P99.5: 3.25, P99.9: 4.22, P99.99: 5.35
[LOG] time 28382 ms: instance closed
For more configurations of the benchmark tool, please reference to "benchmark/bench.cpp" and "scripts/".