The Java gRPC implementation. HTTP/2 based RPC
Simplifies the development of creating a JPA-based data access layer.
Provides support to increase developer productivity in Java when using Redis, a key-value store. Uses familiar Spring concepts such as a template classes for core API usage and lightweight reposito…
Provides support to increase developer productivity in Java when using MongoDB. Uses familiar Spring concepts such as a template classes for core API usage and lightweight repository style data acc…
Spring Data - The Definitive Guide - Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java Developers
Simplifies building hypermedia-driven REST web services on top of Spring Data repositories
Spring for Apache Hadoop is a framework for application developers to take advantage of the features of both Hadoop and Spring.
Spring XD makes it easy to solve common big data problems such as data ingestion and export, real-time analytics, and batch workflow orchestration
Spring Data - Apache Solr integration
Library to let cloud applications connect to services
Sample starter applications and code for use with the Spring XD project
Spring Data REST Exporter starter web application