This repo contains all my dotfiles managed by chezmoi, Chezmoi manage dotfile start with dot_
prefix instead of .
for example, the .zshrc
will be dot_zshrc
in chezmoi, so if you don't want use chezmoi, just rename the dot_
config file to real .
file, you can fork and edit before use it.
- install chezmoi first, if you use mac, simply
brew install chezmoi
- fork this repo, if you want to manage dotfiles your self, if you just use it, you can just use this repo
- use
chezmoi init
to init dotfiles - use
chezmoi apply -v
to make all dotfiles take effect. if you just want to apply one config file, let's take .zshrc for example, just usechezmoi appy -v .zshrc
Plug management via vim-plug.
Code, snippet, LSP, completion via coc-nvim.
Git integration via vim-fugitive.
Better escaping from insert mode via better-escape.vim.
Fuzzy File searching via LeaderF.
Code commenting via vim-commentary.
Fuzzy code search with EasyMotion.
File tree explorer via coc-explorer.
Beautiful statusline via vim-airline.
Beautiful start page via vim-startify.
Code formatting via Neoformat.
Smooth scroll experience via neoscroll.
There are some dependencies before we use nvim to do efficient editing and development work.
A lot of Nvim plugins are written by Python3 so , we must install python3 first.
after installation ,make sure that you can run python --version
and got Python3.x
pip install -U pynvim
to install Pynvim
We need to install node.js from here.
Ripgrep, aka, rg, is a fast grepping tool available for both Linux, Windows and macOS. It is used by several searching plugins.
if you use mac brew , simply brew install ripgrep
click herer to install nvim, if you use brew in mac ,simply brew install nvim
install Neovim Plugin managerGitHub - junegunn/vim-plug: Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager
sh -c 'curl -fLo "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \'
use chezmoi apply -v .config/nvim/init.vim
to take nvim settings work
- if you use chezmoi, simple use
chezmoi apply -v .ideavimrc
to make it effect, or you can just copy this.ideavimrc
to your home dictory - enable
ideavim plugin
in your Jetbrain IDE like Intellij IDEA or Pycharm etc. - you can watch my tutorial video in bilibili to get more information:ideavim插件的配置和使用
use Oh my tmux