To use the pre-trained model for the whole network, the config adds the link of pre-trained models in the
. We set pretrain=None
by default and use the CLIP model as the pre-trained model(if your or ViT-B/16 = True
You are able to do zero-shot validation pre-trained on Kinetics-400.
pretrain: /home/ock/video_clip/video-clip/clip_models/
To resume the interrupted model, the config adds the link resume
. You are able to resume your training started from the last saved model.
resume: /home/ock/video_clip/video-clip/exp/clip_hmdb/ViT-B/32/hmdb/20210916_145953/3.pth.tar
ActionCLIP supports Kinetics-400, UCF101 and HMDB51 now. The users may need to adapt one of the above dataset to fit for their special datasets.
#dataset settings
dataset: hmdb #dataset names
num_classes: 51 #dataset classes
image_tmpl: 'img_{:05d}.jpg' #Picture naming format
train_list: 'lists/hmdb51/train_rgb_split1.txt' #dataset traning list
val_list: 'lists/hmdb51/val_rgb_split1.txt' #dataset validation list
label_list: 'lists/hmdb51_labels.csv' #dataset label list
ActionCLIP supports ViT-B/32 and ViT-B/16 as the backbone.
#model settings
arch: ViT-B/32 #ViT-B/32 ViT-B/16 #Backbone
ActionCLIP supports Pre-network Prompt: Joint
, In-network Prompt: Shift
, and
Post-network Prompt:MeanP, Conv1D/LSTM, Transf/Transf_cls
#visual prompt settings
tsm: False #Pre-network Prompt
joint: False #In-network Prompt
sim_header: "seqTransf" #Post-network Prompt(seqTransf meanP seqLSTM conv_1D seqTransf_cls)
Finetuning usually requires smaller learning rate and less training epochs.
# learning policy
type: cosine #cosine multistep
epochs: 50
start_epoch: 0
epoch_offset: 0
# optimizer
optim: adamw #adam sgd adamw
clip_gradient: 20
loss_type: nll
lr: 5.e-6
lr_warmup_step: 5
momentum: 0.9
weight_decay: 0.0005
lr_decay_step: 15
lr_decay_factor: 0.1