The PyTorch implementations and guideline for Gated Convolution based on ICCV 2019 oral paper: free-form inpainting (deepfillv2).
Before running it, please ensure the environment is Python 3.6
and PyTorch 1.0.1
If you train it from scratch, please specify following hyper-parameters. For other parameters, we recommend the default settings.
python --epochs 40
--lr_g 0.0001
--batch_size 4
--perceptual_param 10
--gam_param 0.01
--baseroot [the path of TrainingPhoneRaw]
--mask_type 'free_form' [or 'single_bbox' or 'bbox']
--imgsize 256
if you have more than one GPU, please change following codes:
python --multi_gpu True
--gpu_ids [the ids of your multi-GPUs]
At testing phase, please download the pre-trained model first.
For small image patches:
python --load_name '*.pth' (please ensure the pre-trained model is in same path)
--baseroot [the path of TestingPhoneRaw]
--mask_type 'free_form' [or 'single_bbox' or 'bbox']
--imgsize 256
There are some examples:
The corresponding ground truth is: