chinese_chatbot_corpus Public
Forked from codemayq/chinese-chatbot-corpus中文公开聊天语料库
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 12, 2021 -
ALAE Public
Forked from podgorskiy/ALAE[CVPR2020] Adversarial Latent Autoencoders
Python UpdatedJan 23, 2021 -
Dialog_Corpus Public
Forked from candlewill/Dialog_Corpus用于训练中英文对话系统的语料库 Datasets for Training Chatbot System
Python UpdatedSep 23, 2020 -
AnimeGAN Public
Forked from TachibanaYoshino/AnimeGANA Tensorflow implementation of AnimeGAN for fast photo animation ! This is the Open source of the paper 「AnimeGAN: a novel lightweight GAN for photo animation」, which uses the GAN framwork to trans…
Python UpdatedSep 11, 2020 -
sequence_tagging Public
Forked from qiufengyuyi/sequence_taggingusing bilstm-crf,bert and other methods to do sequence tagging task
Python UpdatedMar 17, 2020 -
models Public
Forked from PaddlePaddle/modelsPre-trained and Reproduced Deep Learning Models (『飞桨』官方模型库,包含多种学术前沿和工业场景验证的深度学习模型)
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 5, 2019 -
GNNs-for-NLP Public
Forked from svjan5/GNNs-for-NLPGraph Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing tutorial at EMNLP 2019
Python UpdatedNov 11, 2019 -
sequence-labeling-BiLSTM-CRF Public
Forked from scofield7419/sequence-labeling-BiLSTM-CRFThe classical BiLSTM-CRF model implemented in Tensorflow, for sequence labeling tasks. In Vex version, everything is configurable.
JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 31, 2019 -
nlp-journey Public
Forked from msgi/nlp-journeyNLP 相关的一些文档、论文及代码, 包括主题模型(Topic Model)、词向量(Word Embedding)、命名实体识别(Named Entity Recognition)、文本分类(Text Classificatin)、文本生成(Text Generation)、文本相似性(Text Similarity)计算、机器翻译(Machine Translation)等,涉及到各种与…
Python UpdatedOct 24, 2019 -
book Public
Forked from PaddlePaddle/bookDeep Learning 101 with PaddlePaddle (『飞桨』深度学习框架入门教程)
HTML UpdatedOct 24, 2019 -
elmo-bilstm-cnn-crf Public
Forked from UKPLab/elmo-bilstm-cnn-crfBiLSTM-CNN-CRF architecture for sequence tagging using ELMo representations.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 21, 2019 -
GameFramework Public
Forked from xiaocongcc/GameFrameworka game client framework for cocoscreator
TypeScript UpdatedOct 7, 2019 -
NER Public
Forked from itsmengzaime/NERBiLSTM-ELMo-CNN-CRF for CoNLL 2003
Python UpdatedJul 15, 2019 -
Dialogue_System_DEMO Public
Forked from YC-wind/Dialogue_System_DEMOQA、CHAT、Task-Oriented简单的demo实现
Python UpdatedJun 29, 2019 -
xlnet Public
Forked from zihangdai/xlnetXLNet: Generalized Autoregressive Pretraining for Language Understanding
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 20, 2019 -
bert Public
Forked from google-research/bertTensorFlow code and pre-trained models for BERT
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 13, 2019 -
BiLSTM-CRF-NER-PyTorch Public
Forked from lonePatient/BiLSTM-CRF-NER-PyTorchThis repo contains a PyTorch implementation of a BiLSTM-CRF model for named entity recognition task.
Python UpdatedJun 13, 2019 -
AlphaTree-graphic-deep-neural-network Public
Forked from weslynn/AlphaTree-graphic-deep-neural-network将深度神经网络中的一些模型 进行统一的图示,便于大家对模型的理解
UpdatedJun 10, 2019 -
cnn_graph Public
Forked from mdeff/cnn_graphConvolutional Neural Networks on Graphs with Fast Localized Spectral Filtering
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJun 10, 2019 -
WordGCN Public
Forked from malllabiisc/WordGCNACL 2019: Incorporating Syntactic and Semantic Information in Word Embeddings using Graph Convolutional Networks
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 9, 2019 -
GNNPapers Public
Forked from thunlp/GNNPapersMust-read papers on graph neural networks (GNN)
UpdatedJun 3, 2019 -
scrapy Public
Forked from scrapy/scrapyScrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJun 2, 2019 -
TensorFlow-2.x-Tutorials Public
Forked from dragen1860/TensorFlow-2.x-TutorialsTensorFlow 2.x version's Tutorials and Examples, including CNN, RNN, GAN, Auto-Encoders, FasterRCNN, GPT, BERT examples, etc. TF 2.0版入门实例代码,实战教程。
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 29, 2019 -
pytorch-pretrained-BERT Public
Forked from huggingface/transformers📖The Big-&-Extending-Repository-of-Transformers: Pretrained PyTorch models for Google's BERT, OpenAI GPT & GPT-2, Google/CMU Transformer-XL.
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 27, 2019 -
gpt-2 Public
Forked from openai/gpt-2Code for the paper "Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners"
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 24, 2019 -
gpt-2-Pytorch Public
Forked from graykode/gpt-2-PytorchSimple Text-Generator with OpenAI gpt-2 Pytorch Implementation
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 22, 2019 -
examples-of-web-crawlers Public
Forked from shengqiangzhang/examples-of-web-crawlerspython爬虫例子,对新手比较友好,主要爬取淘宝、天猫、微信、豆瓣、QQ等网站。
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 20, 2019 -
documentation Public
Forked from raspberrypi/documentationOfficial documentation for the Raspberry Pi
Python Other UpdatedMay 17, 2019 -
pyspider Public
Forked from binux/pyspiderA Powerful Spider(Web Crawler) System in Python.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 9, 2019