Quickie is an immediate mode gui library for LÖVE
local gui = require 'quickie'
-- widgets are "created" by calling their corresponding functions in love.update.
-- if you want to remove a widget, simply don't call the function (just like with
-- any other love drawable). widgets dont hold their own state - this is your job:
-- sliders have a value and optional a minimum (default = 0) and maximum (default = 1)
local slider = {value = 10, min = 0, max = 100}
-- input boxes have a text and a cursor position (defaults to end of string)
local input = {text = "Hello, World!", cursor = 0}
-- checkboxes have only a `checked' status
local checkbox = {checked = false}
function love.update(dt)
-- widgets are defined by simply calling them. usually a widget returns true if
-- if its value changed or if it was activated (click on button, ...)
if gui.Input(input, 10, 10, 300, 20) then
print('Text changed:', input.text)
if gui.Button('Clear', 320,10,100,20) then
input.text = ""
-- add more widgets here
function love.draw()
-- draw the widgets which were "created" in love.update
function love.keypressed(key,code)
-- forward keyboard events to the gui. If you don't want widget tabbing and
-- input widgets, skip this line
gui.core.keyboard.pressed(key, code)