3RScan is a large scale, real-world dataset which features 1482 3D reconstructions / snapshots of 478 naturally changing indoor environments, designed for benchmarking emerging tasks such as long-term SLAM, scene change detection and object instance re-localization
Each sequence comes with aligned semantically annotated 3D data and corresponding 2D frames, containing in detail:
- calibrated RGB-D sequences.
- textured 3D meshes.
- 6DoF camera poses and camera calibration parameters K.
- global alignment among scans from the same scene as a global transformation T.
- dense instance-level semantic segmentation where each instance has a fixed ID that is kept consistent across different sequences of the same environment.
- object alignment, i.e. a ground truth transformation for each changed object together with its symmetry property.
If you find the data useful please consider citing our paper:
title={RIO: 3D Object Instance Re-Localization in Changing Indoor Environments},
author={Johanna Wald, Armen Avetisyan, Nassir Navab, Federico Tombari, Matthias Niessner},
booktitle={Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
year = {2019}
The data in 3RScan is organized by RGB-D sequence. Each sequence has a unique hash value to identify the scan. The RGB-sequences and 3D reconstructions are all stored together in a separate folder. The directory has the following structure:
|-- mesh.refined.obj
Reconstructed mesh
|-- mesh.refined.mtl
Corresponding material file
|-- mesh.refined_0.png
Corresponding mesh texture
|-- sequence.zip
Calibrated RGB-D sensor stream with color and depth frames, camera poses
|-- labels.instances.annotated.ply
Visualization of semantic segmentation
|-- mesh.refined.0.010000.segs.json
Over-segmentation of annotation mesh
|-- semseg.json
Instance segmentation of the mesh (contains the labels)
The following are overviews of the data formats used in 3RScan:
Reconstructed surface mesh file (*.obj
OBJ format mesh with +Z axis in upright orientation.
RGB-D sensor data (*.zip
ZIP-archive with per-frame color, depth, camera pose and camera intrinsics.
Instance segmentation of the mesh (semseg.json
"sceneId": "tangonet.8eabc405-5af7-2f32-86d2-d757fa7b019d",
"segGroups": [
"id": 15,
"objectId": 15,
"label": "window",
"segments": [ 21, 175, ... ],
"obb": {
"centroid": [ 2.15, 2.17, -1.18 ],
"axesLengths": [ 4.57, 0.62, 4.14 ],
}, {
"objectId": 29,
"label": "plant",
}, {
"id": 14,
"objectId": 14,
"label": "windowsill",
meta data file (3RScan.json
"reference": "531cff08-0021-28f6-8e08-ba2eeb945e09", // id of the initial scan
"type": "train"
"ambiguity": [
{ "instance_source": 34,
"instance_target": 35,
"transform": [ ... ] // transformation of instance 34 to instance 35 (to resolve instance ambiguity)
}, {...}
"scans": [ // rescans
"reference": "531cff10-0021-28f6-8f94-80db8fdbbbee", // id of rescan
"transform": [ ... ] // transformation to align rescan with reference
"nonrigid": [ ... ], // list of instances with nonrigid changes
"removed": [], // removed instances
"rigid": [ // rigid changes
"instance_reference": 35, // instance ID in reference
"instance_rescan": 35, // instance ID in rescan
"symmetry": 0, // symmetry (0 = none)
"transform": [ ... ] // transformation to align instance in the reference to the instance in the rescan
}, {
// metadata of other rescans
"reference": "19eda6f4-55aa-29a0-8893-8eac3a4d8193", ...
}, { ... }
For examples on how to read these files or how to use 3RScan in general see our code samples and documentation. You have a question? Check out our FAQ.
- Training Data: You can find the train, test and validation splits here: [train, val, test]
- Segmentation format (surface mesh segmentation and aggregated semantic annotation) is the same as in ScanNet
- Please see our project page for more information.