Transfer learning toolbox; some useful transfer learning and domain adaptation codes
It is a waste of time looking for the codes from others. So I clean and reimplement them here in a way that you can easily understand and use. The following are some of the popular transfer learning (domain adaptation) methods in recent years, and I know most of them will be chosen to compare with your own method. It is still on the go. You are welcome to contribute and suggest other methods.
- TCA (Transfer Component Anaysis) [1]
- GFK (Geodesic Flow Kernel) [2]
- JDA (Joint Distribution Adaptation) [3]
- TJM (Transfer Joint Matching) [4]
- CORAL (CORrelation ALignment) [5]
- JGSA (Joint Geometrical and Statistical Alignment) [6]
- ARTL (Adaptation Regularization) [7]
- TrAdaBoost [8]
- SA (Subspace Alignment) [11]
- BDA (Balanced Distribution Adaptation for Transfer Learning) [15]
- DAN/JAN (Deep Adaptation Network/Joint Adaptation Network) [9,10]
- RTN (Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Residual Transfer Networks) [12]
- ADDA (Adversarial Discriminative Domain Adaptation) [13]
- Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Backpropagation [14]
Code from HKUST [a bit old]
Testing dataset can be found here.
[1] Pan S J, Tsang I W, Kwok J T, et al. Domain adaptation via transfer component analysis[J]TNN, 2011, 22(2): 199-210.
[2] Gong B, Shi Y, Sha F, et al. Geodesic flow kernel for unsupervised domain adaptation[C]//CVPR, 2012: 2066-2073.
[3] Long M, Wang J, Ding G, et al. Transfer feature learning with joint distribution adaptation[C]//ICCV. 2013: 2200-2207.
[4] Long M, Wang J, Ding G, et al. Transfer joint matching for unsupervised domain adaptation[C]//CVPR. 2014: 1410-1417.
[5] Sun B, Feng J, Saenko K. Return of Frustratingly Easy Domain Adaptation[C]//AAAI. 2016, 6(7): 8.
[6] Zhang J, Li W, Ogunbona P. Joint Geometrical and Statistical Alignment for Visual Domain Adaptation[C]//CVPR 2017.
[7] Long M, Wang J, Ding G, et al. Adaptation regularization: A general framework for transfer learning[J]//TKDE, 2014, 26(5): 1076-1089.
[8] Dai W, Yang Q, Xue G R, et al. Boosting for transfer learning[C]//ICML, 2007: 193-200.
[9] Long M, Cao Y, Wang J, et al. Learning transferable features with deep adaptation networks[C]//ICML. 2015: 97-105.
[10] Long M, Wang J, Jordan M I. Deep transfer learning with joint adaptation networks[J]//ICML 2017.
[11] Fernando B, Habrard A, Sebban M, et al. Unsupervised visual domain adaptation using subspace alignment[C]//ICCV. 2013: 2960-2967.
[12] Long M, Zhu H, Wang J, et al. Unsupervised domain adaptation with residual transfer networks[C]//NIPS. 2016.
[13] Tzeng E, Hoffman J, Saenko K, et al. Adversarial discriminative domain adaptation[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.05464, 2017.
[14] Ganin Y, Lempitsky V. Unsupervised domain adaptation by backpropagation[C]//International Conference on Machine Learning. 2015: 1180-1189.
[15] Jindong Wang, Yiqiang Chen, Shuji Hao, Wenjie Feng, and Zhiqi Shen. Balanced Distribution Adaptation for Transfer Learning. ICDM 2017.