Architected for speed. Automated for easy. Monitoring and troubleshooting, transformed!
支持 Python3、JavaScript、Shell、Typescript 的定时任务管理平台(Timed task management platform supporting Python3, JavaScript, Shell, Typescript)
QD [v20240210] —— HTTP请求定时任务自动执行框架 base on HAR Editor and Tornado Server
Dell-7070-mff黑苹果OpenCore引导 所有硬件均工作 iMessage自行添加 网卡更换DW1560
vulnerability database spider 爬取NVD、CNVD、CNNVD等漏洞数据库
ISAF aims to be a framework that provides the necessary tools for the correct security audit of industrial environments. This repo is a mirror of…
中华人民共和国行政区划:省级(省份)、 地级(城市)、 县级(区县)、 乡级(乡镇街道)、 村级(村委会居委会) ,中国省市区镇村二级三级四级五级联动地址数据。
Hackintosh EFI Folder for Dell OptiPlex 7060 MFF
用于辅助安全工程师漏洞挖掘、测试、复现,集合了mock、httplog、dns tools、xss,可用于测试各类无回显、无法直观判断或特定场景下的漏洞。
Dockerfile to build a PostgreSQL container image which can be linked to other containers.
A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
Suricata IDS rules 用来检测红队渗透/恶意行为等,支持检测CobaltStrike/MSF/Empire/DNS隧道/Weevely/菜刀/冰蝎/挖矿/反弹shell/ICMP隧道等
The lazier way to manage everything docker
A knowledgebase plugin for Redmine adapted for Redmine 4
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
A free Redmine theme for modern browsers
WebRTC plugin for Flutter Mobile/Desktop/Web
a simple tool that is able to unlock some hidden settings of macOS/小巧实用的小工具,开启macOS上实用的的隐藏设置
Free and Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
Android Snackbar from the Top (similar to Crouton)
这是一款类似于印象笔记Evernote的生活类iOS应用——朝夕笔记 Oncenote。我希望能为更多的iOS开发者提供帮助与服务。当然App中还有不少bug和可扩展的功能模块,也希望各位开发者为该项目贡献自己的code力量。大家可以通过点击右上角的fork到自己的Github仓库,也可以点击star实时关注项目进度。