- Catalogue
- Configured
- Equipment Compare
- Fix Experience Bug (now with FABRIC and FORGE versions)
- Iceberg
- Integrated Additions
- JourneyMap Integration
- OAuth
- Occultism KubeJS
- PonderJS
- RoadRunner
- Scannable
- Tinker's Planner
Fixed some loot tables
- fix terra and alfsteel aiot not breaking Astral Sorcery marble in area mining mode - MelanX
Abnormals Core 3.3.0
- Added custom Ocean biome support
- Added custom Edge biome support
- Added custom Nether biome support
- Added Screen Shaking support
- Added UseTimeItem
- Added a method to register custom note block instruments
- Added an overflow for createBlock which takes custom Item.Properties
- Improved mod compatibility for registerAlternativeDispenseBehavior
- Added Cherry, Mulberry, and Maple Cookies
- Added Duck Noodles
- Added Perch with Mushrooms
- Added Pike with Beetroot
- Added Venison with Bamboo Shoots
- Added Maple Glazed Bacon
- Added Cherry Cream Soda
- Added Passion Aloe Nectar
- Added Pickerelweed Juice
- Added Slabdish
- Retextured Pike & Venison cuts
- Made Snails breedable with Nether Salad
- Explorer's Gear can be cut with Shears for Rabbit Hide
- All Small flowers can now be cut into their Dyes (cosmicgelatin)
- Mekanism waste barrel integration
- Create rotation speed controller and blaze burner integration
- Incorrect links to automata cores documentation
- Several ME bugs with import/export with partially full cases
- Crafting jobs bug
- lookAtBlock now correctly shows tags
- Possible problem with crafting job race condition
-New item textures
-New textures for straddler and stradpole
-Added blacklist config for seagull stealing
-Added blacklist entity tag for void portals
-Shortened cooldown for Crimson Mosquito feeding
-Fixed nether tarantula hawk variant not being obtainable
-Fixed Dimensional Carver portals duping mounts
-Fixed mimicream config not working
-Fixed Void worm health config not working
-Fixed drop bears sinking into bedrock
-Fixed beached cachalot whales not spawning
-Fixed grizzly bear having standing hitbox while on all fours
-Update chinese translation
-Update spanish translation
- Added config option, for showing Fish fillet recipes in JEI
Architectury v1.23.33 for 1.16.4/5
Updated at 2021-09-17 14:42.
- Feature/villager trades (#122)
Fix infinite crash loops with lingering
- Fixed edge case crash, with Assassins Marked For Death tag
- Fixed crash, related to disallowing certain mobs in Atum
- Fixed Quern block interaction with certain held items/blocks
- Decreased bandit banner drop chance
- Fixed custom recipe IDs through CraftTweaker, always being the same
- Fixed Sarcophagus dupe, with certain mods
- Standardise use of static LockableLootTileEntity::setTable (Thanks to @noobanidus)
- Added IFogReductionItem interface (API)
Fix infusion recipe json format to again allow tags
- Removes around nearly all debug log spam when searching for existing id after shuffling biomes.
Version 3.1.3
- ARC now will consume less durability for tools with Unbreaking. Durability is consumed at (1/(unbreakingLevel+1)) chance.
- Fixed fluid capabilities of the ARC.
- Made it so that the textbox of the Filters can only accept numbers. Also allowed the "Delete" key to delete values from the text field.
- Deprecated the system used to register commands. (b63bb4b)
- Whitespace changes. (f3399f3)
- Delay command construction to later in the server lifecycle. (36c813c)
This mod was made possible by Patreon support from players like you. Thank you!
- Rempler
- lothrazar
- arcanearchivesmod
- Pongo Sapiens
- Darkosto
- Fix hopper pot never dropping items the first time the crop is grown. #182 #175 - Tyler Hancock
- Removed support for Farmers Delight. They handle support on their end now. - Tyler Hancock
- Fixed formatting of some modded crops and soils. - Tyler Hancock
Like the mod? Consider following me on Twitter and joining the Discord
Huge thanks to my supporters on Patreon
- Rempler
- lothrazar
- arcanearchivesmod
- Pongo Sapiens
- Darkosto
Release notes can be found on the GitHub repository (https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked/releases/tag/v1.16.5-1.98.2).
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project does not adhere to Semantic Versioning. This project uses MCVERSION-MAJORMOD.MAJORAPI.MINOR.PATCH.
[1.16.5-] - 2021.09.18
- Fixed cake effects activating even when cakes are not consumed/activated #2
[1.16.4-] - 2020.11.15
- Updated to 1.16.4
[1.16.3-] - 2020.09.27
- Updated to 1.16.3
[1.16.2-] - 2020.08.14
- Updated to 1.16.2
[4.0] - 2020.07.02
- Ported to 1.16.1 Forge
Eh i was annoyed by all the Questions on how to use chunk Pregen on the server because of the removal of the client requirements.
But that was my own fault. So i sat down and fixed the issue.
Version 3.1.1:
- Fixed: Simplified Commands No longer break the Command Structure from the documentation. Stuff like "b" for Block Coordinates still don't work but the arguments don't change anymore.
So the wiki is now accurate again even with Simple Commands.
-Fixed client crash with EffectItem
-Fixed client NullPointerException from getEntity() in EntityProperties
v1.8: Exclude root advancements from showing in chat
CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ (CodeChicken Lib 1.16.5-⟶CodeChicken Lib 1.16.5-
No changelog available.
Extended CompareBlockFunctions and DataFunctions.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at https://minecraft.natamus.com/collective/changelog/.
Thank you very much to my Patrons and Github Sponsors for supporting this mod's development:
Adara Christine | dtorgy | Kreezcraft.com | Morgan Schetzle | Tyler Behl
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project does not adhere to Semantic Versioning. This project uses MCVERSION-MAJORMOD.MAJORAPI.MINOR.PATCH.
[1.16.5-] - 2021.08.24
- Optimized assets (thanks RDKRACZ!)
[1.16.5-] - 2021.08.02
- Updated Swedish translation (thanks GeorgeOrwell1!)
[1.16.5-] - 2021.06.21
- Insulated Sleeping Bags config option for Survive mod integration #46
- Updated versioning to account for lost update
[1.16.5-] - 2021.05.15
- Added Polish localization (thanks joker876!)
- Added failsafe for hammock placement #53
[1.16.4-] - 2020.12.19
- Added Swedish localization (thanks heubest!)
[1.16.4-] - 2020.11.09
- Updated to Minecraft 1.16.4
[1.16.3-] - 2020.09.29
- Updated to Minecraft 1.16.3
[1.16.2-] - 2020.08.23
- Updated to Minecraft 1.16.2
[] - 2020.08.09
- Hammock recipes now use Forge's string tag for the string item ingredient
[3.0] - 2020.07.08
- Ported to 1.16.1 Forge
Fixed nested Categories not being found.
- Added tinted glass and connecting tinted glass
- Fixed datapack showing as "made for an older version"
v2.3: Clarify log messages a bit
Current version:
- Update zh_tw.json - __HJ - Sun Aug 22 13:32:33 2021
- Future proof Jenkinsfile - Jared - Sat Jun 12 03:55:09 2021
- Change showConflicts and showNone - zeedif - Tue Jun 8 18:08:17 2021
- Added language es-es - zeedif - Tue Jun 8 16:24:32 2021
- Add Ukrainian thanks to ProSplash1 on CurseForge - Jared - Fri May 28 13:37:52 2021
- Move to modtemplate - Jared - Wed May 26 12:23:28 2021
- Add support for the Catalogue mod list. - Tyler Hancock - Fri May 14 18:50:36 2021
- Fixed Author and Download link in the mod list. - Tyler Hancock - Fri May 14 18:50:05 2021
- Add events for modcompat - Jared - Mon Apr 19 00:40:07 2021
- move to the open link screen. Close #78 - Jared - Tue Mar 2 03:25:12 2021
- Fix tooltips rendering underneath scrollbar and overlaps - Jared - Tue Mar 2 03:11:26 2021
- Re-add an available keys screen. Close #76 - Jared - Thu Feb 11 20:38:33 2021
- Attempt a fix for names being too long - Jared - Thu Feb 11 20:38:33 2021
- port to 1.16.5 and close #75 - Jared - Fri Jan 15 22:38:55 2021
- fix trailing comma. Close #73 - Jared - Sat Nov 14 02:36:06 2020
- port to 1.16.4 - Jared - Fri Nov 13 22:15:46 2020
- Add Italian localization - TheSilkMiner - Mon Oct 19 17:00:56 2020
- Translated to Canadian - Arsnole - Sun Oct 4 05:11:05 2020
- Rename ta-in.json to ta_in.json - Striker Rocker - Fri Oct 2 19:59:24 2020
- Rename ta-IN.json to ta-in.json - Striker Rocker - Fri Oct 2 19:37:51 2020
- Create ta-IN.json - Striker Rocker - Fri Oct 2 18:09:36 2020
- Add pt_br translation - Nukeologist - Thu Oct 1 15:27:41 2020
- Added missing override annotations and applied proper mappings to some local variables. - Tyler Hancock - Thu Oct 1 10:04:56 2020
- Prevent Patreon supporter initialization on the server. - Tyler Hancock - Thu Oct 1 09:55:41 2020
- Removed "this" from static method calls. - Tyler Hancock - Thu Oct 1 09:52:44 2020
- Add eclipse run configs to .gitignore. - Tyler Hancock - Thu Oct 1 09:50:19 2020
- Gave launch configs proper names. - Tyler Hancock - Thu Oct 1 09:49:01 2020
- 1.16.3 update - Jared - Wed Sep 16 21:10:23 2020
- 1.16.2 update - Jared - Thu Aug 20 21:11:50 2020
- Updated Polish translation - Greg-21 - Fri Jul 31 13:43:42 2020
- version push - Jared - Sun Jul 12 06:31:55 2020
- port to 1.16.1 - Jared - Sun Jul 12 06:25:39 2020
- test push - Jared - Thu Jul 2 17:02:07 2020
- actually use update checker - Jared - Fri Jun 26 04:01:34 2020
- code cleanup - Jared - Fri Jun 26 04:00:06 2020
- Don't need zencode stuff and version push - Jared - Fri Jun 26 03:53:39 2020
- auto push to curse - Jared - Fri Jun 26 03:48:41 2020
- Prevent Controlling from triggering the "FML Incompatible modded server" message. - Vaelzan - Wed Jun 10 19:16:40 2020
Cooking for Blockheads (CookingForBlockheads_1.16.5-9.3.3.jar⟶CookingForBlockheads_1.16.5-9.3.4.jar)
Fixed crash and other issues on dedicated servers
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Forge Recommended Versioning.
[1.16.5-] - 2021.09.11
- Added Polish translation (thanks Greg-21!) #163
- Fixed slots desyncing when shrinking/growing amounts
- Fixed null NBT tag crashes when syncing #152
- Fixed class-loading errors by annotating curio render methods with OnlyIn(Dist.CLIENT) #121
[1.16.5-] - 2021.06.07
- Added Catalogue integration
- Added Spanish translation (thanks FrannDzs!) #139
- Slots can now be assigned 0 size
- Fixed curio-item use desyncs #141
- Fixed shift-clicking curio slot priority #108
- Fixed curio button offsets #140
[1.16.5-] - 2021.04.14
- Reverted some changes from previous version so that invalidation only happens due to tag updates, modified curio behavior may cause lingering items but fixes issues with invalidating curios from various mods #124
- Fixed button offset with Quark backpack (thanks BookerCatch!) #119
[1.16.5-] - 2021.03.07
- ICurio#onEquip(SlotContext, ItemStack)
- ICurio#onUnequip(SlotContext, ItemStack)
- ICuriosHelper#isStackValid(SlotContext, ItemStack)
- Items that are invalidated while in a slot, due to modified tags or changed curio behavior, will now automatically eject from its slot and be given to the player
- Corrected Chinese translation (thanks qsefthuopq!) #106
- ICurio#onEquip(String, int, LivingEntity)
- Icurio#onUnequip(String, int, LivingEntity)
[1.16.5-] - 2021.01.29
- SlotContext for providing and retrieving slot context throughout the API
- ICurio#getEquipSound(SlotContext) #104
- ICurio#canEquipFromUse(SlotContext)
- ICurio#onEquipFromUse(SlotContext)
- ICurio#getAttributeModifiers(SlotContext, UUID)
- ICurioItem#getEquipSound(SlotContext, ItemStack)
- ICurioItem#canEquipFromUse(SlotContext, ItemStack)
- ICurioItem#onEquipFromUse(SlotContext, ItemStack)
- ICurioItem#getAttributeModifiers(SlotContext, UUID, ItemStack)
- ICuriosHelper#getAttributeModifiers(SlotContext, UUID, ItemStack)
- ICurio#canRightClickEquip() #102
You can now cycle the painting in reverse by crouching while clicking a painting with another in hand.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at https://minecraft.natamus.com/cycle-paintings/changelog/.
Thank you very much to my Patrons and Github Sponsors for supporting this mod's development:
Adara Christine | dtorgy | Kreezcraft.com | Morgan Schetzle | Tyler Behl
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
- Fix formatting issues when format spans lines
Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedDynamics#1078
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to the format MCVERSION-MAJORMOD.MAJORAPI.MINOR.PATCH.
[1.16.5-0.41] - 2021.09.18
- Removed mixins
- Fixed diet values not being synced to players on dedicated servers #86
[1.16.5-0.40] - 2021.09.15
- Added 5-food-group support for:
- Improved Berries
- Nourished End
- Project Vibrant Journeys
- Roots Classic
- Shulkered
- Simple Delights
- Trick O'Creeps
- Added configuration option for hiding diet food group tooltips for a player until that food has been eaten at least once #85
- Revamped tagging system to include automatic tagging for foods without a group tag
- Existing groupings for foods may have changed or disappeared due to migrating to the new system, please report an issue if this happened in error
- New tags:
- diet:ingredients for items that should not add their own food groups to foods they are a part of (such as salt)
- diet:special_food for items that do not have food values but should still display food group tooltips (such as cake)
[1.16.5-0.39] - 2021.08.12
- [API] Added ApplyEffect event for modders to cancel the effects from Diet
- Added 5-food-group support for:
- Infernal Expansion
- Unique Crops
- Updated 5-food-group support for:
- Ars Noveau
- Cookielicious
[1.16.5-0.38] - 2021.08.03
- Fixed Russian localization
[1.16.5-0.37] - 2021.08.02
- Added 5-food-group support for:
- Atum 2
- Create Crafts & Additions
- Extended Caves
- Extra Food Recipes
- Nef's Medieval decoration
- Updated 5-food-group support for:
- Blue Skies
- Oh The Biomes You'll Go
- Added Japanese localization (thanks Lazialize!)
Emendatus Enigmatica
MC 1.16.5 | Version 1.2.10
- Added molten tags to the Molten Metals
- Updated the Ars Nouveau items naming to match the mod (from Mana to Source)
- Fixed localization
- Added Neural Processor
- Updated recipes for crafters
Extreme sound muffler (Forge) (Extreme Sound Muffler 3.13 - Forge 1.16.5⟶Extreme Sound Muffler 3.14 - Forge 1.16.5)
BEWARE: this will clear your Anchors so you'll need to set them again (sorry about that).
- Organized Config
- Added config for the inventory button's position
- Added drag option for changing the inv button position
- Added Tips
- Anchors are now fully clientside
Fixed button tooltips not showing
Fixed button tooltips being short
Fixed disable Tips option not working
- Changed default zoom keys to + and - - LatvianModder
- Changed minimap to not be blurred by default - LatvianModder
- Added missing lang keys - LatvianModder
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev' into dev - LatvianModder
- Ported packets to Arch SNM - LatvianModder
- Add /enderchest command, fixes #19 - Max
- Only create TPA request AFTER checking cooldown, fixes #27 - Max
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev' into dev - Max
- Remove heightmap pos from /spawn, fixes #6 - Max
FTB Library (Forge) (ftb-library-forge-1605.3.1-build.58.jar⟶ftb-library-forge-1605.3.3-build.71.jar)
- Merge branch 'dev' into main - LatvianModder
- Added width limit in list based screens - LatvianModder
- Fixed some scrollable windows cutting off too soon, nord color buttons ignoring centered strings - LatvianModder
- Supressed an error if team is created too quickly - LatvianModder
- Updated dependencies - LatvianModder
- Updated dependencies - LatvianModder
- Fixed team ui invites - LatvianModder
- FIx incompatibility with sodium
- Partially fix compatibility issues with sodium-forge
note: full compatibility is waiting on spoorn/sodium-forge#175
- Add separate xyz scaling function to TransformStack interface.
- Fix crash moving a deleted LightVolume
- Alter BeginFrameEvent to enable compatibility with optifine shadows
- Fix ConcurrentModificationException crash
- Fix NullPointer rendering create contraptions on older graphics cards
- Fix crash triggered when moving large distances in a single frame
- Potential fix for many issues caused by optimized chunk accesses
- Added config+command to disable chunk access optimization
- Flywheel driven shulker box rendering
- Optimize chunk accesses by caching previous result
- Further optimize flywheel rendered objects through parallel updates
- Distant objects are update throttled according to the sequence of prime numbers, smoothing out updates
- Rename normalOverlay to debugNormals, make naming consistent across command and config
- Fix issue causing modded banner patterns to all have missing textures
- Reorganize, simplify, and document everything in the MaterialManager tree
- MaterialManagers associate RenderStates with MaterialGroups
- Proper support for rendering in different layers (SOLID, CUTOUT, and TRANSPARENT)
- New methods in MaterialManager to accommodate these changes
- Deprecate old functions in MaterialManager in favor of new ones using MaterialGroups
- InstanceDatas can be transferred to other Instancers via "instance stealing"
- Abstraction for models, IModel
- Easier to use, and gives Flywheel more freedom to optimize
- Buffered models directly consume IModels
- Added BlockModel, renders a single block
- Added WorldModel, renders many blocks given a world instance
- Cuboids can be inverted across Y and Z, used by many vanilla models for some reason
- TransformStack scaling
- VecBuffer coloring
- Add more information to RenderLayerEvent and BeginFrameEvent
- Flywheel driven chest and bell rendering, ~20x performance improvement in contrived cases
- Show camo in blueprint preview render
- Proper copy and preview Framed Doors in blueprints
- Fix ConcurrentModificationException from accessing a TileEntity off-thread while chunks are rebuilt
- Add support for Building Gadgets
- Fix Framed Lattice replacing water on placement instead of getting waterlogged
- Make Framed Double Slabs and Framed Double Panels placeable with the blueprint
- Fix incorrect face culling on Framed Slab Corner
- Add Framed Pane and Framed Bars
- Fix incorrect tinting when two tintable blocks in a double block use the same tint index (ie. two Mekanism plastic blocks)
- Fix Framed Signs not being dyeable
- Improved error handling for incorrect known stages and fake players files. (7c9fa76)
This mod was made possible by Patreon support from players like you. Thank you!
- Rempler
- lothrazar
- arcanearchivesmod
- Pongo Sapiens
- Darkosto
- Updated Core
- Add Nether Fungi to the sawmill's recipes (BluSunrize)
- Change Engineer's Workbench, Circuit Table and Crafting Table to be waterloggable (Malte)
- Change Transformers to make attaching wires easier (Malte)
- Fix crash when breaking a feedthrough (Malte)
- Fix crash with empty ingredients in JEI (Malte)
- Fix shaders not working on minecarts (Malte)
- Fix table rendering in the manual (Malte)
- Fix comparator updates on multiblocks (Malte)
- Various performance improvements, crash protection and logging (Malte)
- Translations Added/Updated: es_* (docanuto)
- Added special death-by-flarestack message. (TwistedGate)
- Added flarestack fire sound. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed OilCan not doing anything. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed projector-projection displaying blocks correctly now. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed creative Projector-Placing blockstate errors. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed NullPointerException in IPSaveData. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed Autolubricator and Flarestack dropping itself when top part is broken. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed manual not loading with ImmersivePosts installed.
- Changed flarestack fire damage to be based on amount being burned. (TwistedGate)
- Changed behaviour of the Confirm button, to automaticly switch to Projection Mode. (TwistedGate)
- Multiblock list in Projector GUI is now sorted in alphabetical order. (TwistedGate)
- Chinese translations. (mcBegins2Snow)
! Fixed bug with pipes-to-bedrock check for Pumpjack. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed Asphalt Stairs and Slab not dropping items. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed Portable Generator producing power without Gasoline. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed a crash caused by Quarks Item-Pipes with Distillation Tower and SRU. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed server config option for Generator and Boat fuels not being applied. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed pumpjack consuming power while idling. (bluefire-fx)
- Updated Russian Language. (Defrunct)
- Added Spanish Language. (FrannDzs)
Minimum Forge: 36.1.0
Minimum IE: 1.16.5-5.0.0-135
- Added Coker. (TwistedGate)
- Added Sulfur Recovery Unit. (TwistedGate)
- Added ability to turn off flarestack with a redstone signal. (TwistedGate)
- Added Sulfurized Diesel. (TwistedGate)
- Reimplemented the Motorboat. (TwistedGate)
- Added Asphalt Stairs and Slab. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed config generating .bak files every time. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed Portable Generator burning out wires. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed Portable Generator not updating the tank and RF storage. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed Portable Generator recipe not showing up in manual. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed fluid names not being displayed in manual reservoir entry. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed tower manual entry not showing fluid names in table. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed pumpjack pumping days not being accurate in manual. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed the stupidly high horizontal scroll speed for the projector multiblock list while hovering over an entry that has a too long string. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed unreadable multiblock list text for projector. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed Distillation Tower fluid void bug. (Silfryi)
! Fixed Distillation Tower GUI disapearing when trying to access it. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed Fixed distillation tower not filling up the jerry can correctly, resulting in duped fluids. (TwistedGate)
! Fixed asphalt recipe eating Mek tank. (TwistedGate)
- Replaced Diesel with Sulfurized Diesel in Oil Cracking recipe. (TwistedGate)
- Changed Flarestack manual entry include a list of all burnable fluids. (TwistedGate)
- Changed the burnrate of Diesel from 200 to 320. (TwistedGate)
[F]Fixed hotbar slot not being usable to get the cover off of the postbase again after the stack turned into an empty stack.[F]Fixed "Missing Texture" particles on hidden postbase. (Switched to using the postbase texture as default)[F]Fixed "Unknown key "x" Tried deleting all configs and it didn't solve it."
Industrial Foregoing (industrial-foregoing-1.16.5-⟶industrial-foregoing-1.16.5-
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 1.11.6 or higher.
- Fix console error on displaying ore recipes in JEI
Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedDynamics#1082
- Fix full network blocks not disconnecting on placing parts inbetween
This caused issues when for example placing energy interfaces against
batteries that were already connected directly.
Closes #1077
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 1.11.6 or higher.
- Fix missing check-amount properties on some aspects, Closes #240
- Fix missing channel setting on filtering interfaces, Closes #241
Inventory HUD+ ([Forge.1.16.2-1.16.5] InventoryHUD+ (v3.3.0)⟶[Forge.1.16.2-1.16.5] InventoryHUD+ (v3.4.0))
added Curios support
added chinese language
added spanish language
added notification system for future updates
- Fix #2468 Return a mutable list from RecipeManager methods for easier consumption - mezz
- Clean up IngredientFilterTest - mezz
- Add basic tests for getAllIngredients - mezz
- Improved testing for ingredient search when adding/removing at runtime - mezz
Just Enough Resources (JER) (JustEnoughResources-1.16.5-⟶JustEnoughResources-1.16.5-
[d812afa] update message for profiling command, fixes #306 (way2muchnoise)
[bbbee25] fix command loading Client only class on server side, fixes #305 and #307 (way2muchnoise)
[c6fcde7] update jei version (way2muchnoise)
- Fixed missing dependencies on Curseforge
- Merge branch 'dev' - LatvianModder
- Added WorldJS#getEntitiesWithin(AABB) - LatvianModder
- Fixed kubejs dep? - LatvianModder
KubeJS Immersive Engineering (kubejs-immersive-engineering-1604.1.0.12.jar⟶kubejs-immersive-engineering-1605.1.1-build.2.jar)
- Fixed wrong CF dependency - LatvianModder
- Updated mods, fixed crash - LatvianModder
- Added thermalFisherBoost, thermalRockGen and thermalPotionDiffuserBoost support - LatvianModder
v1.4: Update mods toml, add display test
- Bump version. (2daee59)
- Dirty fix for #49. (eb2d4f2)
- Potentuially fix #50: remove extraneous logic. (1ead2a1)
- Update latest version. (3a5441e)
- Fix #47: invert blacklist check. (299de7b)
- Fix #48: ocean ruins are now properly replaced. (83e70a3)
This mod was made possible by Patreon support from players like you. Thank you!
- Christopher Carey
- Lt1489
- Graham Hughes
- fowltief
- LyrenF
- febilian
- CosmicParticl
- Aranai Ra
- Katu Matson
- SeriousCreeper
- New placing system which enables to make 1x1 windows/blinds/slits as tall as desired.
- Mosaic Glass Blocks (16 Colors, they can interact with beacon)
- Mosaic Glass Panes (16 Colors, they can interact with beacon)
Sounds added:
- Window open/close
- Blinds toggle
- Gothic Window open/close
- Windows now have a full hitbox when opened, projectiles can still go through it.
- Hammer is no longer needed to toggle the iron bars on gothic windows, instead
just shift+click an empty hand to toggle it.
- When you right click with a hammer, the windows state will toggle to the basic 1x1,
which can be useful if don't want your windows to connect all the way up.
- Everything attached to the block you are aiming will toggle on right click, meaning
you can toggle multiple blinds/windows by one click.
- Improved the texture for the two window items, so you can better see them using JEI
- Renamed Bar windows to Grille windows
- Tall Blocks, they are no longer needed since from now on you can just stack up the
window to any size you want.
Fixed Issues:
- Windows glitch from distance (optifine)
- Door opening bug (now a feature)
- Bad description for some windows
- Tall blinds drop as items when breaking them in creative mode
Tag preference improvements
- Improve caching of ItemOutput to reduce lookup time within IRecipe
- Switch a crash for tags being uncachable to a logged error
- Make registry ID a fallback for equal mod ID preference
- Added LogicHelper with a couple utilities for common ternaries
- Added JsonHelper.parseColor to parse a 6 or 8 digit hexadecimal string into a integer color
- Added JsonHelper.getResourceLocation to parse a resource location from JSON
- Fix SingleItemHandler not allowing hopper input beyond 1 item
- Added MantleItemLayerModel (registered as mantle:item_layer). Improves the vanilla item layer by adding a non-tint color option, a no tint option, and a luminosity option. Can be used by other loaders (e.g. tinkers tool model) to add tinted and luminosity elements
- Ported NBTKeyModel (registered as mantle:nbt_key) from Tinkers. Allows a model to switch between a set of textures based on a string tag in NBT, plus more variants can be registered
- Added ColoredBlockModel (registered as mantle:colored_block). Allows non-tint colors and luminosity to be set for block style models
Rebalance stats for every material to be more in line with current tinkers construct balance
Update things to work with the latest version of tconstruct
Please remember that Tinkers' Construct is still in alpha and future updates might break this addon. This version is made for Tinker's Construct
- Fix mod description. (9c435fb)
This mod was made possible by Patreon support from players like you. Thank you!
- Rempler
- arcanearchivesmod
- Pongo Sapiens
- Darkosto
- Dummies can now detect and react to damage that bypasses armor. Such damage is now grouped in the "true damage" category and marked in a purple color.
This fixes compatibility with many mods that deal damage in such a way, and also prevents the dummy to die from such attacks.
- Added a config option to disable durability damage to melee items used to attack a dummy. This means that you will no longer need to repair your items when testing your dps.
- Improved dummy ai to hopefully react to more damage sources
- Updated dummy item texture
- Added a new Minecraft Dungeons themed skin
[Automated Build]
Changelog for this build: https://github.com/klikli-dev/occultism/wiki/1.13.3
Find changes for all versions at https://github.com/klikli-dev/occultism/releases
Actually fill the biomes list in the biome source
Fixed some advancement issues and removed the Glass Kiln
PneumaticCraft: Repressurized (pneumaticcraft-repressurized-1.16.5-2.13.3-211.jar⟶pneumaticcraft-repressurized-1.16.5-2.14.4-258.jar)
2.14.4-258 (24th Sep 2021)
- Hotfix: fix server crash related to changes made in 2.14.3 with Amadron villager trade scanning
- Appears to be an unexpected interaction between Quark and/or Terraforged
2.14.3-257 (23rd Sep 2021)
- Added the ability to filter Amadron offers by the player's location, intended for modpack makers
- This allows for certain offers only to be available in certain places
- Filtering can be by whitelist or blacklist, and by dimension ID's and/or biome categories
- No existing offers are filtered by default
- See https://github.com/TeamPneumatic/pnc-repressurized/wiki/Amadron-and-Datapacks for more info
- Added drones_can_be_picked_up config setting (default is true, following previous behaviour)
- If set to false, nothing will be able to pick drones up (boats, minecarts or any other entity)
- Added an "Interpolate Threshold" redstone mode for the UV Lightbox
- In this mode, the completion threshold percentage is 25 + (signal_level * 5)
- Threshold cannot be manually adjusted in this mode
- A signal of 0 in this mode disables processing (so effective range 30% to 100% in increments of 5)
- Added Stonecutter recipes for the various Reinforced Stone blocks
- Added $deploy_pos special Drone variable
- This returns the blockpos at which the drone was deployed
- For Programmable Controller, it returns the blockpos at which the controller was placed
- Fixed slider widgets holding onto a mouse drag if mouse button released while not over the widget in question
- Prevent machine pressures rising to silly levels if machine has a Security Upgrade but is receiving air faster than it can vent it
- Pressure now clamped to machine's critical level (7 or 25 bar)
- Fixed GPS Tool '+' and '-' buttons messing up the numeric value
- Another artifact of the switch to Mojang mappings in 2.14.0 (a method name got mixed up)
- Fixed server crash when Smart Chest tries to push items into a Blood Altar under certain circumstances
- Fixed villager house generation ignoring the addMechanicHouse config setting
- Fixed Pneumatic Door in "wooden door" or "iron door" mode not opening on world load even if signal present (until block update received)
- Fixed Pneumatic Door in "nearby and looking" mode requiring all nearby players to be looking at the door
- Only one player needs to be looking at the door
Project: Vibrant Journeys (projectvibrantjourneys-1.16.5-3.1.0.jar⟶projectvibrantjourneys-1.16.5-3.2.10.jar)
Fixed groundcover blacklist resetting
Fixed some things still generating after being disabled
Fixed shears from mods not working on leaves
Repurposed Structures (Forge) (Repurposed Structures v3.2.1 (1.16.5 MC)⟶Repurposed Structures v3.2.5 (1.16.5 MC))
(V.3.2.5 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Fixed crash if trying to use Java 11+ with this 1.16.5 Forge Repurposed Structures (forgot to do @mutable on an accessor mixin)
Grassy Igloo will no longer replace its blocks with air or fluid blocks if the biome's surfacebuilder uses air or fluid blocks.
Fixed crash if End Mineshaft is attempted to be spawned in a dimension where terrain reaches down to world bottom.
(V.3.2.4 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Fixed a memory leak from the processor used on Grassy Igloos. The leak only happens if you keep finding Grassy Igloos. Special thanks to BlueAmulet for catching this leak.
(V.3.2.3 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Mod compat:
Turned off the surrounding biome checks for RS structures when the Hexlands II mod is on. This will prevent using /locate or explorer maps on Jungle Fortress from freezing the game since there isn't a big enough area of jungle to pass the original checks. Now all RS structures should spawn when Hexlands II mod is on and active. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/hexlands-ii
(V.3.2.2 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
End Mineshafts now will try to spawn within islands a bit better. The minY and maxY config for End Mineshafts was deleted in favor of endMineshaftMinIslandThickness config entry. The End Mineshaft config default value for spawnrate was bumped up to 60 due to the new more restrictive terrain checks.
Slightly lowered Ocean Dungeons default config value for spawn attempts per chunk from 5 to 4.
Crimson, Warped, and Nether Bricks Shipwreck's spawnrate default config value has been changed to make them even more common. The old config values will not change when updating so either delete the RS Shipwreck config file or edit the rates yourself to be 18 or 19.
End Shipwrecks treasure chest cannot have more than 1 Elytra and the Elytra is now more rare (from ~1/17 chance to now 1/20)
Increased chances of a lucky banner from End Shipwreck's map chest.
Nether Strongholds library chest cannot have more than 1 kind of explorer map at a time now.
Ruined Portals:
End Ruined Portals chests cannot ever have more than 1 End City explorer map in a single chest.
Loot Tables:
Explorer maps in the RS structures now only have zoom level 2 or 1 to massively speed up creation of these maps in chests. This is most noticeable with the explorer maps created in the End themed RS structures. May even prevent servers from stalling.
Changed the explorer maps in the RS structures to no longer skip existing chunks for finding structures. This means maps may locate structures that you already found before but this should reduce the lag on pre-generated servers. By now checking already generated chunks, maps should load much faster from RS's loot blocks. If you wish for the maps to find unexplored structures again, download the loot table datapack from here: https://github.com/TelepathicGrunt/RepurposedStructures-Fabric/releases/tag/0.0.11 Then change "skip_existing_chunks": false to "skip_existing_chunks": true for all minecraft:exploration_map entries.
Cleaned up the lucky banner pools in RS loot tables so that it is 100% vanilla now and the updated loot table datapack can work on servers without RS on.
Removed treasure enchant possibilities for tools in many non-End RS loot tables for better balance. (Mending is a treasure enchantment for example)
(V.3.2.1 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Fixed config values not properly working for changing size of RS Mineshafts, RS Fortresses, and RS Strongholds structures. Should be working correctly now.
Added configs to allow changing of RS Villages size. Note, you will need to re-add the changes you have done to RS Village config for spawnrates if you edit it before.
Renamed netherStrongholdSizeSH and endStrongholdSizeSH configs entries to netherStrongholdSize and endStrongholdSize.
(V.3.2.0 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Loot Tables:
Added special "bonus_rolls" pool to all RS's structure loot! If you have a mod that gives you the luck attribute or luck status effect, you may start to see certain kinds of new items in RS's chests! Especially new banner designs! Every RS Structure has a unique banner so get a mod or datapack that gives you luck and start collecting all the banners! See what you can find when you are lucky!
Harshly nerfed the rates of Minecarts in all RS Mineshafts as it was spawning too many Minecarts.
Fixed Snowy, Desert, and Birch Mansions using the wrong loot table or had the wrong loot table path in the chests.
All RS Mansions storage room chests may contain loot, make the dirt room chest have loot, and fixed a non-moisturized farmland block for farm room.
Added a secret extra chest to End Pyramids that will have loot based on luck. (The other chest's loot are generated automatically at creation due to the Comparator blocks)
Fixed Stone Igloo basement chest not using the right loot table file.
Fixed typos in 2 of the default values in the allowDimensions config entry.
please continue to report any bugs/issues to https://issues.resourcefullbees.com/
----- [] -----
- Fixed hive ingredient crashing servers, closing #283
----- [] -----
- Changed how the apiary recipe works to allow for upgraded hives and nests that have been upgraded with a hive upgrade item.
- Added a recipe to empty honey generators
- Fixed the manual centrifuge not respecting bottle output count, therefore closing #274
- Fixed #280 by updating the item handler on load instead of only on upgrade change.
- Fixed #266 Updated the apiary breeder to only update processes when a slot has changed, still requires a change in the future to not be called as much but reduces it to be called a lot less than every tick. and as precaution I kept the check when its about to process to check again just in case if it didn't update correctly.
- Fixed the conversion recipes to duplicating buckets. Closes #257
----- [] -----
- stacked filled bee jars (i.e. ones you get from mutations and quests) no longer clear all nbt data when you spawn a bee with them, it will now just decrease the stack size.
- added "isInvulnerable" option to CombatData
- removed unnessacary validApiary block and item tags (we forgot to remove them when we changed how apiaries are validated, you can still use the tag to add blocks to apiaries, that hasn't been removed)
----- [] -----
- Changed Entity to Entity mutations in JEI to show the entity model rather than a spawnegg, this should hopefully remove a lot of confusion. (The beepedia still shows entity models like always)
----- [] -----
- Fixed an edge case crash when mutationData isn't added to the bee json
- Removed particles from Ender Beecon effects. (This should fix issue with performance when a beecon is granting a lot of effects to bees)
----- [] -----
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't start a server with resourcefulbees
- fixed default icy bee not spawning
----- [0.9.9] -----
- Fixed an issue where centrifuge input counts weren't respected.
- Added Honey Glass. (Glass which allows only players or only bees to pass through)
- Added a texture for creative beepedia.
- Added angry dungeon bee texture.
- Added a Yeti Dev Bee.
- Made it so that apiaries don't require a floor and now check for if a block has collision for if it's a valid block.
- Valid apiary blocks using hasCollision check now have the tag added to their items. (This will allow you to search for it in JEI)
- Fixed Item Mutations outputting items with a blank nbt tag.
- Bees can be parents in a breed without needing to have a self breed option. (isBreedable is false but has feed item)
- Added lore options to bees in JEI and Beepedia.
- Added 2 new models Yeti Horns and Guardian Spikes.
- Fixed layer textures not loading properly when defined with a preceding /
----- [] -----
- Fixed an error trying to process bee damage immunities, in doing so we actually added the ability for all damage sources including modded ones to be allowed.
----- [] -----
- Fixed a crash when attempting to breed bees with no feed return item
----- [0.6.7b] -----
Added Spider trait, this trait allows bees to pass through spider webs without being slowed.
Changed default bees to use various types of flowers
Updated chinese translation
Added Bottomless Honey Pot, this block allows for voiding of honey with ease.
Added 7 more patreon reward textures.
Added the ability for each bee to have their apiary output types set individually (e.g. "apiaryOutputTypes" : ["COMB", "COMB", "BLOCK", "COMB"],)
Mutations that result or use a bee will now show up in the beepedia breeding tab of that bee
Spawn egg item mutations will now show up in the beepedia breeding tab of that bee
Added flower and hive positions for bees to TOP display
- Removed KJS to not cause dependency clusterfuck. Will figure out how to run tests later - LatvianModder
Fixed a crash when extracting fluid from a forge fluid tank
Minor cleanups & utility methods
Added CTM support to the slabs and panels.
not recomended to use!
fixed issue with corelib
Sophisticated Backpacks (sophisticatedbackpacks-1.16.5-⟶sophisticatedbackpacks-1.16.5-
Fixes threading issue that caused several different crashes when trying to run backpack upgrades and when rendering the backpack
Tuned tool swapper upgrade to work well with a number of different tool mods including tinkers, tetra, silent gear.
Also fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the tool swapping not to work even for vanilla tools.
Added new option to tool swapper that allows switching off swapping tools into hand when the hand holds a weapon.
Also added additional tooltip info on how various options affect swapping as this was confusing based on short tooltip.
Added compatibility for several mods to tool swap keybind that swaps generally right clicked items into player's hand when they are aiming at appropriate block/entity
- includes compact machines, cyclic, eidolon, ice and fire, immersive posts, pipez, platforms, rats and woot
Added a bit more information to tool swapper tooltip to better explain difference between left click functionality and keybind swapping for right click tools
Added Korean translation (thanks red1854th)
Updated Russian translation (thanks Fr0stmatic)
Updated Chinese translation (thanks PigeonNian)
Fixes crash caused by another gui being open with the same keybind as the one set to open backpack gui
Fixes crashes when run in Turkish locale because of unsafe lower/upper case conversions
Fixes bug where upgrade slot remove error messages were incorrectly displayed when jei was open and then player returned back to backpack gui
v 0.17.1: fixed mod setup failing on servers. From now on failed mod setups will always crash the mod as intended. Fixed some recipes
v 0.17.0 Enchantments & Enhancements update
- Placeable books: books and enchanted books can now be placed on the ground and stacked horizontally and vertically respectivelly up to a pile of 4. They are mostly a decoration items but can provide enchantment power for your enchanting table.
- Stasis Encahtment: a brand new end themed enchantment exclusive to slingshots that can be found in end cities.
Stasis will allow slingshot projectile to ignore gravity, as well as changing their visuals and additionally provide a configurable block outline at a distance up to its range
- End Stone Lamp & Deepslate lamp: two new decoration blocks light blocks that complement already existing stone & blackstone ones
Tweaks and Improvements:
- Reworked ropes: They can now be tied around a variety of walls and posts like blocks and can exist like that on their own since they are now their own block. In particular support has been added for Quarks posts, Decorative Blocks palisades, I Like Wood beams and Valhelsia Structures posts.
You'll need to update previously placed ropes since the internal blockstates properties have changed. This also resolved many visual & lighting glitched with the weird old rope fence model
- Ropes can now have their downward facing bit sheared off
- Ropes have new textures
- Changed flax textures
- Ceiling banners can be attached to ropes
- Ways sign generations now happens on another thread which means it won't cause lag spikes anymore when generating.
- Improved performance when calculating bellows hitbox
- Cranks and turn tables can rotate multiple horizontally attached pulleys at once
- Removed many technical items that were only used to place placeable blocks like sticks and wall lanterns. now it's all handled internally and previous items will be converted to their vanilla counterpart
- Added the ability to drink up liquids directly from a jar item in hand. Said option and the old drinking one are now disabled by default
- Added more slinghot related configs to tweak range, charge time as well as visuals
- Added additional configs for blue bombs
- Rope arrow capacity has been increased to 24 and can now be increased with its config
- Rope arrows now show a custom durability tooltip
- Plants placed on top of planters will now always rendered centered
- Improved slingshot projectile rendering
- Added many many more supported plants to flower boxes including direct support for some mods like dynamic trees
- Improved flag rendering which should now be slightly faster.
- Way signs now have a sandstone floor when generating in desert villages
- Fixed flower boxes and wall lanterns not rendering correctly with optifine shaders
- Fixed a crash with flags map markers
- Fixed tinted jars not having their own whitelist
- Fixed some transparency issues with flag patterns on hanging signs
- Fixed some textures being way larger that they were supposed to be
Please back-up your existing worlds before opening them with this version of the mod!
This beta version only contains features for newly created worlds so you may be better off sticking on 0.2.15 if you don't intend to create a new world.
- Fixed an issue introduced in BETA-1 that could cause chunk borders on older worlds
- Fixed preview map not updating when resetting a slider using right-click
- Grayed-out continent options that don't apply to multi_improved to avoid confusion
New features:
- added russian translation (cred: shikhtv)
- shifted around wool stats
- updated spanish translation (cred: arvid064)
- updated korean translation (cred: red1854th)
- fixed missing module names for wool sash
- fixed shield strap damage honing being the wrong kind of damage :o
Read the changelog on Github for better formatting
- Tool stats now build on create for all tools instead of just non-multipart. Only affects tools that did not already build stats
- Blazing bone tools now render fullbright
- Fix material registry not syncing to players on LAN worlds
- Fix bloodbone repair item using the wrong fluid to cast
- Fix mob pathing around table blocks. If any blocks still have weird pathing let me know as its hard to catch them all
- Pathing, stripping, and tilling now work on durability hand-held tools instead of harvest
- Bucketing, firestarter, glowing and offhanded now only work on handheld tools (will affect armor later)
- Glowing now deals less damage to the tool when the tool is reinforced or has other damage reduction methods
- Correct blasting tooltip having too low of a value
- Lightspeed, haste, fiery, and unbreakable now render brighter on tools
- Drowned now melt into water
- Mob heads now melt into the respective mob's fluid. Notably blaze heads melt into blazing blood
- Fix smeltery drains being invalidated if placed next to a pipe that fetches fluid capabilities on block neighbor change
- Fix heater consuming buckets when using lava buckets as a fuel source. Currently spits them out on the ground. Figured that is not a big deal as you really should be using a seared tank if you want to use lava, its far more efficient
- Fix mob pathing around several smeltery blocks
- Terracubes now drop bricks if killed while one fire
- Slimes now are more consistent with vanilla, including follow range and update speed. This may affect spawning rates as well, needs more testing
- Slimes now can spawn anywhere in the world on the appropriate grass color in the appropriate dimension
- Rename slimy grass after foliage type instead of dirt, as foliage type has unique behaviors related to slime spawning
- Fix earth slimes having no pick block
- Shurikens now make a sound when thrown and should be slightly more efficient
- Fancy frames reworked:
- Clear frames now render the item slightly larger
- Cobalt was replaced with diamond, which slowly rotates the item back to upright
- Jewel was removed as we no longer have silky jewels (and it basically looked like gold)
- Gold frames slowly rotate the item
- Manyullyn frames render the item fullbright
- Netherite frames are immune to explosions
- Fix shurikens causing the player to move faster when thrown
- Added content to Tinkers' Gadgetry about world and gadgets added by Tinkers. Should cover everything except slimeboots and EFLN, as both are subject to major changes in the next couple alphas
- Updated blazing blood section in Fantastic Foundry with head melting and piglin bartering
- Encyclopedia now states the ideal damage amount to deal for max fluid output from melting
- Correct book descriptions about tools that start with piercing
- Fix typo on the blasting page
- Fix Thruul in puny melting looking about 20 pounds too heavy
- Fix encyclopedia listing wrong value for tank modifier
Data packs
- Material JSON now supports syntax to redirect a material to another material
- Useful if an addon material gets added to the base mod, or if an addon wants to automatically disable a material when another addon is loaded
- Fix materials added by datapacks not showing the "added by" tooltip
- Repackage some internal modifiers. If you were using any of these, let me know so we can consider if they belong in the public API
- Interfaces for harvest and shear modules are now extracted into the public API
- Added swedish translations. (#39) - GeorgeOrwell1
Huge thanks to my supporters on Patreon
- Rempler
- lothrazar
- arcanearchivesmod
- Pongo Sapiens
- Darkosto
Moved around some things, changed a bit f how blood gems worked and added in Blood Scrolls to help with managing them. I also added in Sentient Harm (Name pending, don't expect that to stay as such an awful name for long), which changes what it's capable of based on your Will.
- Improve compatibility with Apotheosis, may break compat with other mods if the mod is "doing it wrong" #150
- Fix phantoms not being blocked by shroomdog27
- Add kr-kr Translation by myoun
- Add zh-cn Translation by 1478599553
- Update to MC 1.16.5
- Update to MC 1.16.4
- Update to MC 1.16.3
- Update to MC 1.16.2 (Forge 33.0.0)
- replace InvisibleLight Blocks from Feral Flare Lantern with actual light emitting Air Blocks. This should improve compatibility with other mods and MC itself.
- add aggresiveSpawnChecks configuration option. This will override the spawn checks of other mods if they returned "ALLOW" earlier in the chain.
- Remove fatal logging of config changes on disk
- Initial Port to MC 1.16
Adds several new item utility methods and villager trade methods.
Fixed right-clicking Waystones with block both placing the block and clicking the Waystone (by chandler05)
Fixed villagers getting stuck for other waystone types (by chandler05)
Fixed incorrect rune rendering directions (by ustc-zzzz)
Updated Traditional Chinese Translation (by HJ-zhtw)
- Added redstone output mode in addition to the existing sensor mode to 'mekanism.logic' channel.
- Added support for infuse type and not yet existent pigment gases.
New features:
- added methods for controlling offset of scrollable
- added method for forcing layout calculations for layout group
- added vertical layout group
- text elements will now render their children
Generated using ChangelogGenerator 2.0.0-pre10.