This is a prototype debugger written without any XUL and based on React and Redux.
$ npm install
$ npm start
Start Firefox in remote debugging mode. The -P
parameter specifies a profile to use:
$ /Applications/ -P development --start-debugger-server 6080
Set additional configuration options in Firefox using about:config
Quit and re-open firefox with the same command. Then, open the debugger in another browser by visiting:
You can create an environment.json
to set user environmental variables, like the firefox source path. Start by copying the environment.sample
file and update the source code location. This is only necessary if you want to run tests.
- firefoxSrcDir: absolute path to local firefox source code
- firefoxObjDir: absolute path to a local build of firefox
NOTE: Firefox source code is available on github at gecko-dev. For a faster download add the depth option to your git clone git clone --depth=1
The MDN article Working with Mozilla source code has a number of other options.
If you'd like to connect an existing Firefox browser to debugger.html, you can press shift+F2
to open the developer toolbar and type listen 6080
into the developer toolbar console.