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Willing to get introduced to the source code? :)

Just read the QCSuper document to get a quick glimpse about it.

This directory contains "inputs", Python classes providing a source from which we can communicate using the Diag protocol - either a live device (e.g a smartphone or an USB modem), or a dump file.

Inputs are intended to be used by "modules", which are located in the modules/ directory.

A simple template for implementing a new input could be:

#-*- encoding: Utf-8 -*-
from inputs._base_input import BaseInput

class MyExampleInput(BaseInput):
    def __init__(self, command_line_arg):
        self.my_device = command_line_arg
        pass # Connect to the example device here...
        Function called when a module wants to send a
        diag packet
    def send_request(self, packet_type, packet_payload):
        pass # Send a diag packet here...
        Function called when the modules have started loading
        and we're meant to read data from the diag device
    def read_loop(self):
        from unframed_packet in
            # "unframed_message" is a Diag packet without HDLC framing
        Use this function for any necessary, systematical cleanup.
    def __del__(self):