This is the source code of the Style2Paints V4.5. In this forlder, the codes implements the functionality of what can be achieved in the compiled software "".
You will need CUDA 10.0, CuDNN 7, Python 3.6
pip install opencv-contrib-python==
pip install tensorflow_gpu==1.14.0
pip install bottle==0.12.10
pip install tqdm
Then download the software "", put the model files like
Simply run the python file "" like
cd s2p_v45_server
Note that if you see something like
WARNING:tensorflow:No training configuration found in save file: the model was *not* compiled. Compile it manually.
Then just ignore it.
When the service is ready, you can use the software at
The user interface is written in Cocos Creator. Although you do not need to touch the client UI code, if you want to do so, you may need Cocos Creator.